What Is The Best Way To Deal With Toxic Work Colleagues?

What is the best way to deal with toxic work colleagues?

When it comes to toxic people, we know we should stay away from them. It’s difficult, but possible. Under certain circumstances, however, we have to deal with this class of people, deal with them every day without being able to avoid them. This is the case in the workplace, for example .

We then not only see these people every day, but we also have to work together with them, together – in pairs or in a group – achieve a goal and be successful. This may seem daunting to us, but it is possible.


Toxic work colleagues

We distinguish between seven different types of toxic work colleagues that we can meet at our workplace and in any other work environment.

The main actor

That person must always be the focus of attention. She takes hold of every conversation and forces her point of view on others. She is competitive and does everything she can to achieve her goals.

The unreliable one

The unreliable does not respect deadlines. He is always late with his tasks,   late for meetings and work, etc. The irresponsibility of this type of person has a negative effect on the other members of the team.

The clapper

The workplace is the ideal environment for this type of person. We see him, especially during the coffee break, as he talks and keeps everyone up to date. Occasionally he also works as a spy and informs his superiors about insignificant details, which, however, cause harm to others.

The listless one

One of the worst work colleagues is someone who does their job in a completely listless and inefficient manner. Neither the work nor the work colleagues are important to him. He applies the “law of least resistance”, which has a negative effect on the team.

The angry one

The angry man is always very busy. Therefore, he can never greet you or smile at you. He doesn’t like working in a team, but prefers to work alone.

The scratch brush

This is a person who never agrees with the opinions or decisions of others. He always contradicts. Working with him is very difficult because you can rarely come to an agreement with him.

The rival

His competitive thinking knows no bounds. He never misses an opportunity, but is always on the lookout to adorn himself with the laurels of his colleagues in front of the eyes of the superiors .

How can we protect ourselves from toxic colleagues?

As we’ve seen, avoiding a toxic work colleague is difficult because we have to work with them on a daily basis. So the question arises as to how we can work with him without it affecting us.

First of all, we must n’t get involved in his game. It’s a good decision to not be constantly influenced by someone who is angry or who wants to be the center of attention all the time. We have to accept this person. At the same time, we should be aware that we cannot change it and that we have no way of avoiding it. So it’s about accepting that he is like that without it affecting you.

However, if this is affecting you and there is nothing you can do about it, think about it. Find out why this is affecting you, whether you should allow it, and what you can change. Change your view of things, try to see them with humor and learn from them. That helps you.

Never seek their approval when dealing with toxic work colleagues. Because then you give them power and sell yourself below value. They will never praise your work. So get out your pride, do your job well, and most importantly, respect your work colleagues even though they are toxic colleagues.

What’s the good thing about a toxic work colleague?

Not all toxic work colleagues have a negative impact on us. It may be hard to believe, but some can even make us more productive.

Having a colleague clapping and gossiping can be useful, for example, because gossipers give you space to switch off and strengthen the group. In addition to increasing productivity, they ensure a relaxed working atmosphere, collegiality increases and the team’s performance is promoted.

One speaks more, the other less about the other. The problem only arises when this is used as a negative mechanism or when we believe what is being gossiped.

Even the colleague, who is always against everything, can strengthen the group. Why? Because it allows us to see the “other side of the coin”, to weigh opposing opinions and to be aware of whether we are on the right track with our work or not.

If everyone agrees, that’s good, but it can also mean something isn’t working. It only becomes problematic when someone constantly contradicts, just to disturb.

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