What Can Be Done Against Frustration?

What can be done against frustration?

Do not despair, not even because you are not supposed to despair. When everything seems to be at an end, new forces arise. That means that you are alive.

Franz Kafka

Surely you have felt frustrated at some point in your life, for example when you wanted to achieve something but failed, when you had a goal and something was preventing you from achieving it.

It is normal to feel frustrated. But we must not confuse frustration with defeat. Are you upset that you are frustrated? Are you scared? Are you sad? This is normal, but you need to learn to see the positive side of it. In the following, let’s see what strategies we can pursue and what we ourselves can do to heal this frustration that can block and destroy us.

Know the goals you want to achieve

There are some goals or plans that you have not yet achieved. It’s harder than it seems, it’s hard to pursue what we want. But that’s not bad. Maybe you are just not doing the best path to get what you want. Maybe it is something unattainable and you are not aware of it. Talking about it may help you.

Look for alternatives

If you failed to achieve a certain goal, find another. Perhaps you are envisioning impossible dreams that you would want to fulfill under certain circumstances. Find something that is within your means, something that you can achieve. It is very important that you feel motivated to do this . If you want something, put all your zeal into it. If you can’t get it, it doesn’t matter. There will be many other dreams that you can fulfill.

Be realistic about the goals you set for yourself. Don’t strive for the impossible. This will only increase your frustration. Find realistic alternatives that you can make a reality.


Accept the obstacles

As the saying goes, life is “not a bed of roses”. Don’t expect everything to be easy. It is better that it is not. The difficulties and obstacles help us to overcome ourselves and get better. Standing the hurdles positive about and do not allow that they slow you down on your way to your destination.

Remember that difficulties are opportunities that you must take advantage of. They are not obstacles, but opportunities that allow us to grow and move forward.

Think of what you have achieved

Even if there are things that you refuse to do, there are certainly many others that you have been able to achieve. Think of them so that they give you strength. You have to realize that you cannot achieve everything, but that you can always achieve something and that is positive. You need to have security and confidence. You have to believe in yourself.

What you have achieved can also give you clues. Why did you achieve this and not that? What fails? Maybe it can help you open your eyes to what is possible and what is impossible.


Allow yourself to be wrong

Making mistakes is good. They give us the opportunity to learn from them and move forward, otherwise we would just stay on the spot. Swap your thoughts of failure with thoughts of success and you will never feel guilty for your mistakes. This would only bring uncertainty and honestly you won’t get that. Because safety is important in order to achieve what you set out to do.

We also need to learn to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. We need to believe in ourselves, forgive ourselves, and start over.

Don’t expect anything from anyone

Do not idealize anyone or have excessive expectations of certain people. We are all human and therefore imperfect. It will frustrate us to see that something we expected from someone does not come true. If we don’t expect anything from anyone, we won’t feel disappointed. We will be happier and, as a result, more positive.

As we have seen, it is possible to overcome the frustration, or at least to understand it. It is important to understand what we are feeling, but instead of rejecting a negative feeling, we have to learn to accept it and get the good out of it. Fight for what you want to achieve. Only those who don’t try really fail. Stand firm, keep going and then you will achieve what you want.

If it isn’t, it doesn’t matter. Maybe it wasn’t your chance. Do not despair. There will be other chances in which you will surely achieve what you want. And most importantly, never be afraid to try again. Remember, it is better to try and fail than to regret later on never having tried.

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