To You And To All The Brave Women Out There

To you and to all the brave women out there

To you, you brave woman, you fighter, who every day with your smile defies all the struggles of your difficult life. To you, you woman with these eyes, behind which so much strength lies hidden, with which you convey the sensitivity that you feel towards life and your fellow human beings.

I would like to honor you today because nobody but you knew how to face any struggle and to carry on despite the heavy rainfall. Today I would like to express my admiration for you because you always remain optimistic. Today I want to dedicate my words to you so that you always remember that you are full of love, bravery and greatness.

These women with a strong-willed and brave look in their eyes

I know the face of these brave women very well who struggle to make every day start with a smile, despite the fact that a thick gray cloud called cancer hovers over their lives. Her gaze is full of courage and full of strength, it reminds us how difficult life can be, but that it is still worth living.

They are brave women, and not because they are not afraid, but because, despite their diagnosis, they have chosen to move on.

Brave woman

For them, the struggle is their daily bread, their daily task, their survival strategy. Every day they gather all their strength and their will to survive and astonish us all with it. They had to learn to find light in the dark.

They have armed themselves with courage and will to fight their misfortunes and they have accepted that these two things are an active part in the fight against cancer. They are such brave and strong women. Her greatness is not only reflected in her behavior in fighting cancer, but also in her ability to get up after every rainfall, to judge her crown and fight on. Because if they know something, it is how to unite all inner forces and use this potential in order not to give up and move on.

In every weak moment they see the opportunity to regain their strength.

The look on their faces tells us that despite the fears, the uncertainty and often the suffering, they are not burying their heads in the sand in order to continue participating in life. They are grandmothers, mothers, children, friends – fighters, wrapped in pink robes and armed with the ability not to give up. In their eyes we can see their courage, their honorable valor. These women are true survivors from whom we can learn a lot.

Women with the will to make decisions, women with freedom, brave women, courageous women. Sometimes they collapse, their smile gives way to a sad expression, they lose the desire to fight, they become calmer and more thoughtful and fear emerges. They forgot for a moment that they are full of strength inside. But with their strength, with their forces, they build bridges to cross the impregnable valleys of life.


Therefore, the least we can and should do is take care of them, admire them, thank them, and love them. We must accompany them on this difficult path of struggle, stand by their side and help them when they need help. We should hug their souls so that they feel that they are not alone, that we support them in this fight day and night. Understanding your quiet moments and taking care of your sensitivity is also a sign of our support.

To you, you brave woman who is fighting the battle of your life against cancer

And now, listen carefully to me, you brave woman you live the struggle of your life every day:

“I admire your strength, your ability to rediscover life every day and to gather your strength. I admire your will to live, your potential to keep fighting. I admire the way you deal with this situation. You are strong, you are great, you are beautiful. You are full of courage, love and life. Your eyes are the mirror of your struggles and your laughter is your daily drive. You are a prime example of how not to give up your life despite such a hard blow. You are a true teacher of life.

This disease may come into your life without warning and it did not ask your permission. Maybe you are afraid and the constant uncertainty has become your companion. But with your courage, your inner strength and your struggle you have found a way to always see the sun behind the thick gray clouds.

Nobody can understand how much you suffer, what fears you have to go through. Nobody knows how you feel or what you think. But always remember who you are, how far you have come. Never forget what inner strength, what potential you have. Even if it doesn’t seem like that to you sometimes, there is more of it in you. “

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