The Wisdom Of The Elders

The wisdom of the elders

The wisdom of the elders is infinite. You just have to be willing to listen to them and their life stories with an open heart. The elders are absorbed in this as we appreciate the wisdom they have accumulated over the years, and they are the prime example of the saying “an old hand knows more because he is old than because he is a hand”. They advise you on the basis of their own experiences, their triumphs and their failures. They are definitely rich in knowledge and we can all learn from them.

Life is full of different nuances, it’s not just black or white. This is something that you can see when you reflect on their stories. You will notice how every single experience – however small it may seem – forms a whole life with others. All of these amazing, memorable and sometimes unexpected moments will become part of the story of your life if you let them.

Elderly woman with dandelions


Advice on love and relationship management is part of the wisdom of the elderly, and it is not just the youth that benefits. As many women say: sooner or later the children will leave the nest. Your departure from your parents’ home could leave a void, leading to important changes in family dynamics. Mothers and fathers may develop symptoms of Empty Nest Syndrome.

When the children leave home and the parents are retired, they begin to spend more of their free time with their significant other. That is why it is so important to have a good relationship with your partner. Otherwise, loneliness could take control of your life.

Let’s not talk about what old age is. Let’s talk better about how luck brings time, rather than counting the years that go by. “


On the flip side, talking to the elderly can make you believe in love more than ever before. There are couples who have been together for more than 50 years. That doesn’t mean it was always easy for her. It is, however, that they have always put their love first. You have fought a lot of fights and passed them together, as a team.

There are widows and widowers who long for their partners, but they remember their loved ones who have passed away with love and gratitude. At such moments, for example, they remember the jokes they told. Or that they were great parents and what they loved to do.

Others had to break up with their partner for various reasons. Sometimes one of them had to move to a retirement home while the other had to stay at home. Most of these partners visit their significant other constantly , regardless of their illness or health condition.


Many older people feel sad when loneliness catches up with them. This loneliness could be due to the fact that they don’t want to disturb other people. Perhaps they have distanced themselves from their friends and families or live far away.

There are all kinds of stories. Many young people do not want to know anything about the older ones. We’re not here to judge why, we just want to encourage reflection. When we are young, we don’t really think about how our actions today will affect our lives tomorrow. We don’t think about how serious the consequences can be. Failure to be honest with or connect with people can even isolate us from the people we actually love. And then if we could go back to the past as older people, we would probably do it, we would do it differently.

Old eyes saw a lot.

We all need other people because at the end of the day we are social beings. What can help people not to feel lonely is a hobby. Don’t enjoy your hobbies alone, but involve other people and enjoy it together with them! We spoke to an 85-year-old woman whose grandchildren had given her a tablet. She told us that she loves sharing puzzles with them and solving them. Not only does this keep their minds busy, but it is also great for bonding with their grandchildren as it allows them to interact with one another.


Appreciating the importance of the family is also part of the wisdom of the elderly. The family is a pivotal point in the lives of those who have it. And those who (no longer) have a family wish so badly that they had one. Not only your own children are important. There are also cases where nieces and nephews take care of their old aunts and uncles as if they were their own children. This is much more common than we think.

Family was, is and always will be important. The memories you have of your family will always be with you no matter what. You will keep collecting more and more memories as your family grows and you enjoy their presence. Every anecdote is valuable, regardless of whether it is new or old. Many older people tell stories about their parents or siblings. We remember some very impressive conversations we were able to have:

  • A woman recited poems her father had written. She knew them by heart, although they were never written on paper. The memory of her father is kept alive by reciting his poems. They were beautiful poems, full of life and valuable lessons.
  • Another woman fondly remembered her big half-sister. She had taught her and her brother to read and write every night. Today, at the age of 80, she still remembers the name of the first book she ever read.
Across generations: a grandfather hugs his grandson.


Accepting death as part of life is a fundamental pillar of the wisdom of the elderly. The truth is that they have to accept that death is near to them. But that doesn’t prevent them from living their life and enjoying it to the fullest. Realizing this makes them enjoy it all the more. They keep adding great memories and experiences to the story of their life.

However, it is difficult for them to deal with losses as well. For example, with the deterioration of their own physical and mental abilities and the loss of people around them, friends and family. The family now takes up the most important place in her heart again , as in childhood. The difference is that it is not their parents who play the most important role, but their children. Most older people feel better or worse depending on how they envision their children’s future. You want them to settle down, have a family of their own, and be happy.

The wisdom of the elderly

Being grateful is another part of the wisdom of the elderly. They are grateful for their lives and for being able to see the world around them evolve. They do not regret the difficulties they went through because they know that without them they would not have learned so many valuable lessons. When they play cards with their grandchildren and spend time with their families, you can see how much life there really is in them.

Older people remind us of the importance of constantly working on ourselves. To do what we love and expand our skills as much as possible. However, they also remind us that our lives shouldn’t be all about our successes. Older people often regret those moments when they focused too much on their careers. The moments when they worked instead of creating new memories with loved ones and friends.

On the other hand, they also often mention the importance of being satisfied with yourself and proud of your own performance. When we talk about it now, we have to remember an elderly gentleman who signed up for a painting class even though he had never painted before. Now he gives his family his self-painted pictures. That makes you grateful and proud, because despite his age he can still create works of art.

“You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.”

CS Lewis

An elderly man is reading a book.

Many older people love to read because, despite all the difficulties in life, they have developed an interest in culture. They read newspapers or books of all kinds, from classic novels to modern stories. They are looking for interesting content tailored to their physical abilities, especially their eyesight.

So what can we learn if we listen carefully to the elders and their stories? They can teach us so much about life thanks to all of their life experiences and their current way of life. Older people collect their stories for those who really want to hear them. They are stories full of courage, happiness, sadness and even anger. They have had all kinds of experiences, that is, they have many stories just waiting to be told. Let yourself be convinced of how infinitely great the wisdom of older people is.

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