The Raisin Exercise And How It Can Help You Relax

The raisin exercise is particularly suitable for people who want to start meditating but feel that it is too difficult for them. Also, this exercise is very helpful in stabilizing the mind and emotions during difficult times.
The Raisin Exercise and How It Can Help You Relax

Although there is a lot of talk about the benefits of meditation these days , you may think that the daily practice may be too complex or difficult for you. The raisin exercise is the best evidence that this is not true. As you practice this exercise, you will find that meditation is a simple activity that does not require much time. In addition, it will help you relax in just a few minutes.

The raisin exercise is a technique that aims to train your concentration and attention while also practicing breathing. Proper breathing is crucial in all types of meditation, because everything else depends on breathing.

You will surely be pleased that the raisin exercise is especially recommended for people who are new to meditation. This exercise will help you become familiar with the practice of meditation. Therefore, this exercise is particularly recommended if you are extremely anxious or have had a very difficult experience.

Raisin Exercise - Worried Woman

The importance of proper breathing technique

Proper breathing technique is critical to any relaxation exercise. If you breathe correctly, you will supply your whole body with oxygen, especially your brain. This will help your body and mind work slower and relax.

Usually anxious people have quick, shallow breathing. If you manage to pause for just a moment and take a deep breath , your emotions and mind will stabilize.

First of all, remember to breathe through your nose while keeping your mouth closed. In addition, you should always breathe through your nose and never with your lips half open. In addition, your stomach should move as you inhale and exhale.

The best thing to do is to start by simply focusing your attention on the way you breathe. Do not try to control or change your breathing. Our desire to control everything or to want to do everything right is an obstacle to meditation. If you pay attention to your breathing in a natural and spontaneous way, it will automatically slow down.

The raisin exercise

The raisin exercise is actually very simple. You only need three raisins for this. You should also find a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. Then you take one of the raisins and eat it just like you normally do.

The second part of the raisin exercise is to focus on your breathing. Then you put the second raisin in your mouth. This time, however, you shouldn’t just eat them mechanically. Instead, try to feel its texture and taste once you have the raisin in your mouth.

You should take your time and chew the raisin slowly. Try to feel how the fruit touches your tongue, teeth, roof of your mouth and throat and follow these movements for as long as you can.

Finally, you can eat the third raisin. This time, you should look at it very carefully before putting it in your mouth. Move it slowly between your fingers to feel its texture and smell it with your eyes closed to smell its aroma. If you want, you can also cut the raisin in half. Then you put it in your mouth without following a specific pattern or procedure. And that was about it!

Raisin exercise - raisins

The importance of exercise

The goal of meditation is to slow down the thoughts and emotions that are in your mind. However, this goal is not easy to achieve, because emotions constantly invade your life and influence your thoughts. Therefore, you may well initially reject the idea of ​​emptying your mind.

The Raisin Exercise is an exercise that will help you gradually achieve the goal of wiping out the thoughts and emotions that are invading your mind. When you focus your attention on a single point and allow yourself to be fully occupied with it, you will begin to empty your mind. And this creates a feeling of calm and renewal in you.

If you’re angry or scared, this exercise is a great way to calm yourself down. You can do the raisin exercise with any other fruit as well. However, raisins are very suitable because they are so small and have many interesting properties.

What are you waiting for? Just give this exercise a try and see if it works for you or not!

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