The Harmful Effects Of Sugar On The Brain

The harmful effects of sugar on the brain

The scientific discussion about our diet has changed significantly over the years. The latest research shows that sugar not only makes people obese, but also has other detrimental effects on their health. What most people don’t realize, however, is that sugar also has effects on the brain.

In addition to causing vascular disease and diabetes, sugar also has a negative impact on our minds. In this article we inform you about the worrying side effects of sugar consumption and we want to dispel a few myths.

Is Sugar Harmful?

Growing up, we were taught completely false ideals of health and nutrition. At the time, it was said that consuming too much fat was the main risk for heart disease.

For a long time, sugar was advertised as a harmless substance that did not adversely affect health. There are even conspiracy theories according to which researchers have always been bribed by the sugar industry. Their goal would have been to hide the harmful effects of sugar and its link to heart disease and other ailments.

Is sugar addicting?

The preference for sweets and sugary foods is actually a big problem. It affects more people every day. And those affected feel like they have to eat more and more sweets to feel happy.

Children with cotton candy

How does this addiction work? When our body receives sugar, a lot of endorphins are released. When we feel uncomfortable or not happy, we eat candy to make us feel better.

In fact, those who cut sugar completely out of their lives often experience unpleasant side effects in the first few days. For example, we can suffer from headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness, anxiety and stress if we have recently stopped using sugar. Fortunately, these symptoms are only temporary. They only last until the body gets used to not consuming sugar.

Sugar affects memory and comprehension

A study by the University of California (California, USA) showed that consumption of fructose (sugar found in fruits, vegetables and honey) has a deleterious effect on the formation of synapses in the brain. This means that when we consume a lot of fructose, our brain’s ability to make new connections decreases.

Research has also shown that people who eat a lot of fructose have lower levels of BDNF. This substance, a neurotrophic factor derived from the brain, has a fundamental influence on our ability to absorb new information and store memories.

In addition, some studies suggest that the excessive consumption of sugar could be directly related to Alzheimer’s disease. The medical community is actually considering classifying this disease as type 3 diabetes.

Sugar affects our mood

It’s not just our cognitive abilities that are at risk. Glucose is also responsible for extreme mood swings. Because of its effects on insulin levels, elevated blood sugar levels can lead to depression, anxiety, and sudden mood swings.

In the long term, these harmful effects of sugar can increase significantly. When we ingest glucose, our brain releases serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters that gives us pleasure. However, the supply of this substance to the body is not infinite and every time the brain releases serotonin, the resources in the brain decrease. Because of this, a person who ingests excessive amounts of sugar for a long period of time will find it difficult to feel permanently happy sooner or later.

A woman looks thoughtfully out the window

Excessive consumption of sugar prevents us from feeling satisfied

Recent studies show that glucose turns off our satiety mechanism. Because of this , when we consume too much sugar, we feel hungry all the time. This is directly related to problems like obesity and being overweight.

If we want to avoid the harmful effects of sugar and maintain good physical and mental health, we should try to reduce our consumption of sugar as much as possible.

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