The Happiness Of Others: Why Can’t I Be Happy About It?

We all know that when others are doing well, we are sometimes indifferent or even jealous. However, it can happen that you find it really very difficult to enjoy the happiness of others. This reaction may have a deeper cause. In most cases it is depression that is hidden behind such feelings.
The happiness of others: why can't I be happy about it?

It is normal for us to be indifferent or jealous at times when other people are doing well. However, if you cannot enjoy the happiness of others at all , then you may be suffering from depression.

In today’s article, let’s take a closer look at this topic. You will also find some tips on how you can manage to be genuinely happy for others again. And that without any envy or bad feelings. Realize that you can make other people’s happiness your own too!

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Why can’t I be happy about the happiness of others?

Do you know that? Every time other people tell you that they are doing very well or are going through a positive phase in life, you feel uncomfortable or jealous. Perhaps you’ve seen this reaction in other people too?

You hear the positive news and suddenly negative feelings overwhelm you: you are angry, jealous or feel that life has treated you unfairly.

Especially if you are not feeling well yourself at that moment, you may notice such reactions in yourself. However, you know that the bearer of this good news expects you to be happy with him and to be happy to share these happy moments with him. But deep down you feel a strong reluctance and just cannot be sincerely and wholeheartedly happy.

Chances are, you haven’t always responded that way. Therefore, it is very important that you realize that this is a memory of yourself. Stop for a moment and think about what is really holding you back from being happy. An old proverb sums this up very well:

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What are the reasons for your reaction?

The tendency to react annoyed or jealous about the well-being of others can indicate a dysfunctional social behavior. Depression can also disrupt and change your relationships with other people. This also applies to low self-esteem.

When you have low self-esteem, you are much more likely to notice what others are doing. Especially when you miss it. This way of thinking also increases your feeling that you are missing something and how badly it is for you. You will be constantly reminded of it.

On the other hand, a hostile attitude towards others is also closely linked to feelings of envy. There is a link between your own mood disorder and your tendency to negatively evaluate everything others have.

However, Professor Richard Smith emphasizes that feelings of envy you may have may not necessarily indicate an illness. They can also be part of your instinct for self-preservation or your instinct for survival. We can measure our own success by comparing it with others.

However, if you regularly feel bad about other people’s happiness and your life is affected by it, then this is a serious problem. Let our strategies inspire you how you can best solve this.

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How can I learn to enjoy the happiness of others?

First of all, you should make sure that your negative attitude does not manifest itself in you permanently. This would only make you feel more bitterness and develop yourself into a person who cannot feel empathy. Always remember: the more intensely you live your own life, the better and happier you will live. We have put together some of the best strategies for you to do this below:

Focus on the happiness that you can experience in your own life

Try to concentrate on the things that make you happy and fill you with joy. This will enable you to focus more on the positive aspects of your life again. And at the same time you will also deal less and less with the negative topics.

Your self-worth does not depend on other people

It is also important that you accept yourself for who you are. Appreciate yourself for what you are. This will also put less emphasis on what you own. Remember what qualities you have in you that make you unique and special. Then you don’t need anyone else to tell you how valuable or important you are.

Try to be inspired by the success of others

If you want to be successful yourself, then you can also be inspired by the successes of others. Because the happiness and success of others can serve as a guide for your own happiness in life. Learn how others have achieved their goals and thereby achieve your own as well. Instead of being jealous of them, you should use them as a role model for yourself.

Realize that other people’s happiness can also be yours

This is about your own satisfaction. Don’t be intimidated by the success and happiness of others. Because the world is so big that there can be many winners. You can belong too, don’t forget that.

Look confidently to the future

You should also always believe that your situation will improve again. You are not completely helpless in life. However, you have to work hard on yourself so that you can become happier again. Find comfort in yourself and motivate yourself with good thoughts.

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