The 5 Best Films About Alzheimer’s

Treating Alzheimer’s patients is a complicated task. And a lot of the movies about Alzheimer’s don’t really cover the subject in depth or in depth. Therefore, today we have selected five films for you that worked very well. These films tell stories from real life.
The 5 best films about Alzheimer's

Good films about Alzheimer’s are notable for the fact that they also reflect some concern about the reality of this disease. Every year more people are affected by this condition. Specialists in dementia and diseases associated with memory loss point out the importance of honest and realistic reporting of the problems that arise with these disorders. And that’s why their opinions on what a good film on this subject is and what isn’t, differs greatly from that of many film critics.

The film industry generally does not present an accurate and truthful picture of Alzheimer’s disease. And this can reinforce the stereotypes people have about those affected. But there are quite a few films that attempt to address and address these difficult problems in today’s society. And some have done this very well with the greatest possible accuracy and the necessary respect. In today’s article we want to introduce you to the five best films about Alzheimer’s disease .

The best films about Alzheimer’s

Our list of the five best Alzheimer’s films below gives you the opportunity to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease. On top of that, you can also see some great acting performances.

In addition , most of these films accurately reflect the latest information on Alzheimer’s disease without inciting stigma. Still, you should of course not forget that these are feature films, not documentaries about Alzheimer’s or dementia.

By Her Side  (2006)

This film is an adaptation of the book by the Canadian Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro. Fiona (Julie Christie) shows signs of Alzheimer’s at the beginning of the film. You never get to know the normal, healthy Fiona, you just hear her stories and memories.

Julie Christie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in By Her Side . Although she did not ultimately win it, she was still awarded the Golden Globe. The story revolves around the marriage of Fiona and Grant. The couple suffer the effects of the deterioration in Fiona’s memory. This progressive memory impairment leads the couple to the decision to refer Fiona to a special center that can attend to their special needs.

After a 30-day separation (recommended by this facility), Grant visits Fiona and finds that his wife has apparently forgotten him. Instead, she has developed a close relationship with another man at this center. Although Grant initially opposed this change, he makes personal sacrifices as the film progresses in order to enable his wife to be happy.

Best Alzheimer’s Movies: Iris  (2001)

With the leading actors Judi Dench, Jim Broadbent and Kate Winslet, the film Iris tells the true story of the British writer Iris Murdoch and her husband. As you probably know, Alzheimer’s disease also causes serious communication problems. The reason for this is that those affected gradually forget their vocabulary and thus also lose the ability to articulate themselves.

With this type of dementia, patients suffer from aphasia (inability to understand words), agnosia (inability to recognize familiar objects), and apraxia (inability to perform voluntary, purposeful and orderly movements).

This particular film documents the life of Iris. She was a professional writer but gradually lost her ability to pursue her profession. It is very painful to see a living, intellectual woman become a mere shadow of her former self. The film shows this process very impressively.

The film is also very honest about the physical and psychological effects of this illness. You can almost “feel” the disease. But this film also helps you to consider everything else that has to do with this illness: the wishes, dreams and motivations of those affected.

Nader and Simin – A Separation  (2011)

Nader and Simin – A breakup is a masterpiece in every way. This film covers many important topics such as family, religion, the role of women, Iranian culture and justice. Still, Alzheimer’s disease is the main theme in the entire plot. Director Asghar Farhadi said he built the whole story around the image of a son helping his father take a bath.

Nader and Simin are in the middle of a divorce. But they also have to make decisions about their daughter and Nader’s father, who has Alzheimer’s disease.

The film is a study of family values, dignity and pride, which many people can identify with today. The delicacy with which the son treats his father, as well as the way in which he supports him in his illness, provides a great model that inspires thought.

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Poetry  (2010)

Mija (Jeong-Hie Yun) is a 66-year-old woman who is raising her teenage grandson, Wook (Lee Da-Wit). Mija works part-time as a cleaner and takes care of a wealthy stroke victim (Kim Hira). Then one day in the hospital she sees a body in an ambulance. It is a young woman who was found in the river after committing suicide.

This depressing scene touches Mija deeply. She spontaneously signs up for a poetry course at the local cultural center and begins to discover a new world of possibilities. This process is quite difficult for Mija, as a doctor told her that her recent memory problems were due to Alzheimer’s disease.

Mija is very disappointed when she learns that her grandson, along with five other teenagers, repeatedly raped the very same girl she saw in the ambulance (as a corpse after her suicide). This film portrays moral beauty and ugliness in a way that touches the senses. And this, although the main character cannot keep her memories with him forever due to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Best Alzheimer’s Movies: Love  (2012)

This is Michael Haneke’s most sentimental film. It won the Palme d’Or, an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, several Cesar Awards, and various other awards. In this critically acclaimed, intense story, what matters most is put to the test: love.

It’s not specifically about Alzheimer’s dementia, but about dementia caused by a stroke. Georges and Anne are an educated, sophisticated couple at the age of 80. Both are retired classical music teachers and have a daughter, also a musician, who lives abroad. But when Anne has a debilitating stroke, they face the greatest challenge in their relationship.

Although Georges also suffers from the problems of old age, he tries to put them aside to take care of his wife. Because he is determined to keep the promise he made to his wife: never to bring her back to the hospital. From that moment on, the daily realities put the love of the two for each other to the test. The film is as tough as it is beautiful, a visual delight that is well worth watching.

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