Self-knowledge: 3 Tools To Get To Know Yourself Better

Self-knowledge: 3 tools to get to know yourself better

“Of all knowledge, the wisest and most useful is to know yourself.”

We all live our personal dream every day. We may or may not be aware of each and every step, it is clear that they are happening. They happen as if they were guided by an invisible force.

If we want to achieve our goals and plans and realize our personal wishes, self-knowledge is the key and essential.

Many of us are faced with constant change in our professional and private lives. In our search for happiness and personal development, we can use many aids, especially those that enable us to get to know ourselves and to find our way to satisfaction and fulfillment.

Knowing our goals and the tools to achieve them is the first step in getting where we want to be.

It is true that we sometimes find it difficult to talk about ourselves. We think we know each other and know everything about ourselves, but rarely do we stop to think, reflect, and write down our goals. And we do not pause to become aware of the characteristics that will make it easier but also more difficult to achieve.

For this it is important and necessary to reflect on what we know about ourselves and the core of our being.

Now you know how important self-knowledge is, but what tools can help us get to know ourselves?

Radiant head

In the following I will introduce you to 3 tools to further develop your knowledge of yourself in a simple and effective way:

This exercise will help you to recognize who you are right now, in this moment, and who you want to be in the future. You will find that the most important thing is to decide how to become who you want to be. How would you proceed

For the exercise you need three pieces of paper: on the first you write who you are, on the other who you want to be and on the last how you will achieve this. It would be interesting to ask your confidants for feedback on this exercise to see how those around you perceive you.

Question mark on brick wall

In this exercise you will draw a horizontal line that represents your life. On this line you mark the center point that represents you at this point in time. Then you draw in the different life situations and experiences that you have experienced in the past. In this way you can become aware of what was important for you in your life.

The second part consists of filling in parts of your future by drawing in your most important and less important goals.

When you are done with that, I invite you to reflect on what you have experienced so far and how you intend to move on and achieve your future goals.

I like to understand feelings as treasures, because their power is immense. By paying attention to our feelings, we can learn a lot about ourselves. A feeling diary is therefore a useful tool to get to know each other better.

Barefoot woman on street

To be aware of your own emotional state, to know which feelings are repeated most frequently in your everyday life, or what their causes are, can give you greater self-knowledge, no matter in which areas of life.

Before I close this article, I would like to invite you to continue your self-discovery to find out what a great personality you are. Continuing your reflection will help you understand yourself even better:

“The key to being effective with others is to first control yourself. The more you know about yourself, the better you can enter into relationships with other people with self-assurance and self-confidence and from a self-confident position. “


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