Narcissist Needs You Should Know

Some define these people as the sharks of society. They have been part of our “ecosystem” since the beginning of time and look for victims to survive regardless of the circumstances, just like any other hungry being …
Narcissist Needs You Should Know About

Narcissists’ needs lead to practices that negatively impact those around them. Some define these people as the sharks of society. They have been part of our “ecosystem” since the beginning of time and look for victims to survive regardless of the circumstances, just like any other hungry being …

While we see sharks when their conspicuous fin approaches, it is different with narcissists. This personality type is very adept at hiding their real intentions : Narcissistic people are personable, open, and outgoing. You do not immediately become aware of their hidden needs.

Today there is more and more research on this personality type. It is clear from this that they exhibit both prosocial and antisocial behaviors. So you are capable of the best actions and the worst acts, which is very confusing.

Understanding what’s going on in their head will make dealing with these people a lot easier.

Man who represents the needs of narcissists

What are the needs of narcissists?

You can intuitively guess that narcissists are not happy people. Research from the University of Florida, as well as other studies, explains that narcissists’ needs are based on suffering from ongoing psychological distress due to constant interpersonal conflict.

Relationship problems increase the need for attention, external affirmation, and dominance. So they gradually get into a vicious circle, the result of which is always disagreement and loneliness. Ultimately, health problems also arise, the quality of life suffers and the risk of addictive or risky behavior increases.

Then, learn more about the needs of narcissists that are likely to seem paradoxical to you.

1. Love me and admire me

The narcissist needs constant admiration, approval, and approval. He is dependent on the attention he is given by those close to him: family, friends, partners, colleagues … Narcissists need to be the center of attention under all circumstances and behave accordingly. They can be recognized by their pronounced extraversion.

What is noticeable, however, is that they demand a range of attentions that they themselves never offer to others. They want to be loved, but only return a harmful love that lacks empathy and reciprocity.

2. I will never trust you

Another need of narcissists is to misrepresent the principles of trust. They will make you believe that you can turn to them at any time and play understanding for you. This allows them to influence you at any time to achieve what they want.

However, a person with a narcissistic personality disorder needs to create emotional distance. She doesn’t trust anyone, is emotionally cold and very distant.

3. I have to control you

Control gives narcissists a feeling of power. Controlling others makes them strong and affirms their own identity. This obsession with taking the helm in all circumstances is one way to camouflage their low self-esteem. If they manage to tie someone up, they have a puppet at their service.

4. Other Narcissist Needs: I will lie to you whenever I can

Lying is the narcissist’s native language. He will show you his infinite virtues and convince you that you will be fine by his side. He presents you with a canvas full of wonders, dreams and castles in the air. But nothing corresponds to reality.

Remember, however, that narcissists believe their own untruths  and it is difficult for others to contradict them.

5. I have to defend my fantastic story and make it profitable

This need from narcissists goes a step beyond lying. You create a self-image, convince yourself of it and sell it to others. These men and women are true traders of the imagination, a colorful story with which they not only survive, but climb mountains.

To capitalize on their deceptions , do not hesitate to cross the line between the ethical and the respectable. They are ruthless and this can even lead to criminal activity.

6. Other Narcissist Needs: I have to hide my weaknesses at all costs

Insecurity, low self-esteem, fear of loneliness, constant frustration … These people are made up of blood, bones, nerve tissue and, most importantly, infinite emptiness.

They are fully aware of their weaknesses and their greatest obsession is hiding them, making armor, and climbing the highest ladder to create a false image of themselves.

Narcissist Needs You Should Know About

7. I will deny who I am and blame you

A narcissist will never admit what he is, on the contrary. If the relationship goes wrong, he will call you selfish. If a project fails, he’ll blame you. He will not hesitate to come up with a thousand excuses not to take responsibility and make you feel guilty.

Narcissists are always victims, they are gurus in destroying the identity and self-esteem of others. That is why it is important to know how to recognize them. Because the needs of narcissists are weapons designed to create discomfort and suffering wherever they go.

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