Learn To Deal With A No

Learn to deal with a no

There are thousands of texts that revolve around the word “no”. It’s an important issue. Because just as you should learn how to reject things when it is appropriate, you should also know how to accept no from others. Of course, taking no is not always easy, but it happens to everyone and actually it’s a great opportunity to grow.

To understand the importance of accepting a negative answer, imagine what if everyone answered yes to you over and over again. Imagine children whose wishes are all granted. Children will definitely be moody, insecure, and stubborn who will not appreciate things the way they should. The same thing would happen to an adult.

Wanting the impossible is a disease of intelligence.


Most people can probably recall the times with enthusiasm when a no became a yes. This suggests that making an effort to overcome obstacles and fight for what you want is something very enjoyable. Appropriate limits do not restrict our freedom, but guarantee our mental health and development. So we should be grateful for these negative answers often.


Limits evoke a longing to achieve something. Difficulties activate our intellectual and emotional resources. They also allow us to grow, mature and discover what we are capable of. They help us develop confidence and find our place in the world.

The various benefits of saying no

Deep down , nobody likes to hear no for an answer. Especially not if the rejected thing is very important to him. If other people don’t want to continue their relationship with you, it can be devastating. Not getting your dream job, not being able to travel to your dream destination, not getting the student loan you need. All of these negative answers really hurt.

But as much as it hurts to hear the word no, it can be good for you too. Take a look at the following points:

  • It allows you to see and accept other people’s views. It’s important to learn that a negative answer is rarely a rejection of yourself. It just means that other people see things differently.
  • It makes you reassess your goals. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of the things you want to achieve. Maybe you end up changing your priorities and goals.
  • It brings your fantasies and obsessions to light. If you keep hearing “no” over and over again, it may be a sign that you are not ready for something. Maybe you’re just needlessly stubborn.
  • It stimulates your imagination and your ability to achieve something. When it comes to something that you really want or need to achieve, it can empower you to act more creatively.

Get over the no

Many of your most beautiful stories begin with the word no. But the worst memories do too. As always , how you deal with what has happened is important. It is less important what actually happened. Receiving a negative answer can reveal who you really are.

First , a no will make people leave their comfort zone. It is like a turning point, the message of which is this: You cannot go any further here. And your answer may be unexpected, depending on what kind of person you are and how important you are to the things that have been denied you. If you are immature, then you will make a fuss. If you have confidence in yourself, then you will accept the challenge.

drawing woman

The first step in getting over a no is to accept it. And accept involved in understanding that a no is a legitimate option for your employer, your partner, the financial system, or whoever. Nobody deserves anything because they want it so badly or because of who they are.

The second step is to bring your most intimate desires to mind. Is the thing you want really that important? What are the hidden messages behind this negative answer? Does it mean you are unable, unwilling, or on the wrong path? Does it mean you have been misunderstood or have you misinterpreted the situation? The answers to these questions will take you to the next level.

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