If You Think The Same Way As Others, Then You Don’t Think At All

If you think the same way as others, then you don't think at all

It is said that in an inland town, a group of people regularly made fun of the town’s joke, a poor unfortunate, poorly intelligent, who lived on small errands and alms.

Every day some men would call the poor man to the bar where they were meeting and ask him to choose between two coins : a larger one with a value of 400 reales and a smaller one with a value of 2000 reales .

He always chose the coin that had the larger dimensions but the lower value, which everyone took as an opportunity to make fun of him.

One day someone saw the group making fun of the innocent man, called him over and asked him if he still hadn’t noticed that the bigger coin was worth less, and he replied, “I know, so stupid I’m not. It’s worth five times less, but the day I choose the other, this game is over for me and I won’t win a single coin. “

This story could end here, with a simple joke, but several conclusions can be drawn from it:

Whoever appears stupid is not always.
Who were the really stupid ones in history?
Excessive ambition can lead you to cut off your own source of money.


We can be fine even if others don’t have a good opinion of us

It is not necessary that we know what other people think about us and about every step we take in life. We neither have to nor should look for it.  The most important thing is that we ourselves are satisfied with who we are.

We are wrong when we try to label others and their behaviors with stickers. We are much more than what others think of us. We may have to struggle with ourselves for a while to be able to feel comfortable even when we don’t know what others think of us.

The most unhappy people in the world are those who care too much about what others think of them.

What is important is not what others think of us, but what you think of yourself

People will think what they want. It is not important that you always look for the right words or check your gestures in detail, there will always be someone who will misunderstand. If you end up looking at yourself at your whole life, it won’t matter much what other people thought or didn’t think.

Do what you like, not what you think others will like.

How you perceive yourself is what really matters. Stay true to yourself and choose your path according to how you feel and not according to what others expect or think. Ultimately, you are the only person in your life who is irreplaceable to you and who you have to endure minute after minute.

If you think like everyone else, then you don’t think at all. And if you don’t think, then you are not alive.

The advantage of being intelligent is that you can pretend to be stupid while the other way round it becomes difficult

This is what Woody Allen once put. It is said that intelligence means not knowing where to go, but knowing where not to go back and what not to allow.

An intelligent person knows that everyone has a right to think what they want, but whether or not you take this personally is a whole different matter. If you know that you are unique and you know how to assess what others show you, you are in a situation that does not harm you.

Leave the uncertainties aside. Speak and live your truth. Don’t let others interfere in your life or in your everyday life.

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