If No New Opportunity Knocks, Then Build A Door

If no new opportunity knocks, build a door

If one thing is certain in our life, it is the fact that we have to go outside if we are to achieve our dreams and goals. We must not let up in our striving.

Our opportunities pass us by if we don’t go out to meet them. Sometimes they are very close in front of us, sometimes thousands of kilometers away, but it is clear that they are not waiting for us.

Sometimes we complain that we are not living the life we ​​imagined. We don’t work as what we want, or the opportunity never arose for us to do what we wanted. But have you really contributed to the fact that what you imagine or wish to happen?

And I’m not talking about the fact that you have occupied yourself with it for an evening or a day, but that you have put your time, your effort, your zeal and your perseverance into it.

To fly

The quick recipes usually don’t work, you need a number of defined ingredients, such as certain attitudes and qualifications, refined with spices, such as perseverance and passion, and some improvised ingredients, such as the search for alternatives and a certain tolerance for frustration.

Formulate your specific and simple goal. If it is very general, then set more specific goals that will allow you to achieve your big goal, and always in a positive way. But be aware that it is a process.

And as with any process, you have to take risks. You can certainly refer to a past experience in which you achieved something to better understand the process and to help you. Even a minor success can serve as an example for you.

And make it clear to yourself that every risk also requires a certain responsibility, that you have to be responsible for your decision and that different feelings are associated with it. Stop blaming others or circumstances and have the courage to take the reins of your life in your hands.

Soap bubbles


There will be hurdles and fears, unforeseen and disappointments, as well as moments when you would like to throw in the towel. But a process is a sequence of moments and stages in which how you feel during the process plays a crucial role.

I like to recall this sentence from the movie Into The Wild  , in which the protagonist argues that in life it is not so important to be strong, but to feel strong.

And even if you sometimes think that you have used the right tools or skills, and that you have also found a right alternative, you may be wrong. You’ll only notice it on the way.

Every crisis, mix-up, and failure is an opportunity to get up again.

Don’t be afraid of the opportunity to correct yourself or learn from your mistakes, this will give you more experience to get closer to what you want, to get closer to yourself.

Because when we set out to realize a dream or a goal, then the path is in our outside, but also inside. It gives us the opportunity to get to know each other and discover the most hidden in our essence, and this is a form of greatness.

Therefore, if you want something, find it, open all opportunities and build all the doors you need to move on.

You choose the materials, the shape, the colors and the width of the lock in order to later find the key that will lead you to what you wanted to find through your door. You choose the attitude you have when building your door and during your journey. Be constant, persistent, and fight.

As the poet Antonio Machado said: “Wanderer, there is no path, the path is created by walking”.

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