I Will Stay With Myself And Give Myself A Chance

I will stay with myself and give myself a chance

I’m tired of being the last person to take care of me. The one who is there for everyone, but never for herself. She thinks that it disturbs others when she says what they don’t expect to hear. I want to get this over with now. So I decided to give myself a chance.

I want to put an end to all the worries that make me who I am not. The worries that arose from trying not to bother those around me, to hide my true identity. And also the feeling of guilt that accompanies me every time I think that others have expected more from me.

I want to take off this disguise, this mask under which my true identity lies. I no longer want to be in the shadows or be the one who always agrees with everything when it really isn’t. So I’ll stay with myself and give myself a chance.

“Unless you value yourself, you will not value your time. As long as you don’t value your time, you won’t do anything with her. “

M. Scott Peck

Love me to prioritize myself

From now on I will love myself. While it’s not easy, I tend to criticize myself and blame myself for almost everything. I do it gradually, slowly but surely, without a break, and most of all, really.

“You criticized yourself for years and it didn’t work. Try to flatter yourself and see what happens. “

Louise L. Hay

Woman stretches her hands to the sky

Instead of punishing myself every day with everything I’ve done wrong, I congratulate myself on what I’ve achieved and what is good for me. It’s about changing my perspective and looking at myself differently so that I’m proud of myself. Maybe I have little practice and it takes some effort, but if I never start I will never be able to appreciate myself and so it is impossible to prioritize myself.

Another thing I’ll do is accept myself. That’s right, I allow myself to be the person who seeks shelter in me, who until now was worried about going out and then being rejected. I will show myself how I am. And I will do it not only for myself but for everyone else as well. I will be the same person, alone and with company.

Additionally, the most important promise I make to myself is to prioritize myself, i. H. To ask myself in all possible situations how I feel and what I want to decide based on it. Not like until now, when I wondered how others are feeling and what they want to act on.

I decided to give myself a chance: to be myself, free and without masks.

I deserve to be happy

If there’s one thing I’ve deserved and always refused to do, it’s being happy. So I’m going to give myself a chance. I will stay with myself to look deep into my eyes so that what I am doing is consistent with my wants or needs. That’s right, I’ll wipe the ball clean, hold hands and never let go. I want to be my company, my support and my refuge.

“If you believe in yourself, nothing is outside of your possibilities.”

Wayne Dyer

I will forgive myself all the times that I left myself to the end or that I didn’t even think of myself. And the other times when, knowing what I wanted, I betrayed myself. Because a necessary condition to be happy is peace with myself, free from guilt, rejection and punishment.

Woman forms a heart with her hands

Once I have reconciled myself with myself, feeling authentic and brave enough to show myself for who I am, I will start building my happiness. Because if I have learned something, it is that this wonderful feeling will not knock on my door, but that I have to grasp it as an attitude towards life. And for this, in addition to the love for me and the setting of priorities, it is fundamental to appreciate the simple things that are there and that mostly go unnoticed.

“Happiness is internal, not external; therefore it doesn’t depend on what we have, but on who we are. “

Pablo Neruda

Well, just as I will allow myself to be happy, I will also allow myself to be sad. Any kind of emotion I feel will help me understand myself and of course others. Because if I give myself a chance, I give it to others too.

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