I No Longer Wait For Trains, Now I Create The Movement Myself

I no longer wait for trains, now I create the movement myself

I’ve stopped waiting for trains that have my name on them. All that remains is the platform of burst wishes and dreams that never come true. Because now I am the one who creates the movement, I create the path myself. So if you want, you can go on this journey of discovery with me. If you don’t want that, you can get off at the next station.

Choosing this simple but bold mindset is undoubtedly a huge step in our personal growth and emotional wellbeing that sometimes wavers. However, we have to admit that we are used to waiting and that we make this waiting even more unbearable through longing dreaming and the desire for perfection.

Sometimes – and it is important to emphasize this – it is society itself that, with its tentacles, keeps us trapped in the waiting room of life. The complicated world of work and everyday obligations are responsible for the fact that we have to postpone a lot. We feel compelled to obtain a new title, contract, or even better contract so that change and that longed-for movement come into our lives.

But in spite of these circumstances, nothing and no one can deprive us of our attitude. The movement takes place within us. As a result, it is not important that all trains appear to be going in the opposite direction, because those who know their way, their dreams and ideals do not wait on the platform.

Wait and believe that our life is taking a break

There are many situations in which a person has the distinct feeling that someone has pressed the pause button: not having a partner, being unemployed, having failed on a personal project, or being rejected on a professional or emotional level are undoubtedly examples of those situations that can hit us deep inside and even paralyze us.

That is why we have to understand that life never pauses, always goes on, something is always happening, and a new opportunity always arises. However, whoever pauses is us. We can no longer find drive, no motivation. Bernice Neugarten was one of the first psychologists to study the development of adults and those so complicated times in our lives when we humans are convinced that our world has come to a standstill and we would have been frozen with a sad, apathetic and lackluster charisma.

Neurgarten has in the theory of Life on Hold  (to German: life on hold ) described a change, we need to face. Often the biggest problem is uncertainty and even pessimism about the future. Thoughts that “the train has left for me and the ideal partner can no longer be found”  , or that “it is already certain that I will no longer get a good job” , extend this waiting period and make it more difficult for my own change to something better.

How we can leave the stop “Endstation Träume”

We live in a world that is always about the future: “Come back tomorrow,” “I’ll call you tomorrow,”  and “If you can do that, you’ll get something else.”  We linger at the train stations called “Eternal Waiting” and wonder whether the thing with luck is just lies and deceit or a prize that you can win when you have collected enough points. Trains pass by, opportunities come and go, but it seems like none of them bear our name. Then how can we survive in these times of uncertainty where crises seem to have no expiration date?

“Learning from yesterday, living for today, having hope for tomorrow – it is important that we don’t stop questioning things.”

Albert Einstein

We’d like to give you a few simple pieces of advice below.

3 pieces of advice to be the movement of our lives

  • The first piece of advice is very simple: we have to have our goal, our point on the horizon, clearly in mind. It is best to have a clear and realistic goal in accordance with our possibilities, but without underestimating your own potential.
  • The second aspect that Bernice Neugarten mentions in her theory about lifestyle is the need to try every day to create your own future. It is not enough just to dream about it . If I would like to have a good partner, I should take care of myself first, about growing as a person and working on what I want to find in others. If I want to have a good job, I will work on this intention every day and I will educate myself both professionally and mentally.
  • The third part in this plan is just as interesting. We need to feel like active, proactive, and creative protagonists in our lives. It is necessary that we no longer feel like the subordinates of something or someone. If society doesn’t give me space, then maybe I have to be the one forced to create this space for myself. Maybe I have to offer something new on the job market that piques the interest of others. Maybe I have to be the train that makes noise and creates movement in a quiet environment.

Someone once said that life is not just about betraying death, it is also about enjoying our existence every day without just breathing and letting things happen. So let us be the engine of our own growth. Let us be active, expectant, realistic, but optimistic beings who have this incredible power to give wonderful things to the world and at the same time create their own happiness that they actually deserve.

If life brings me changes,
they should be good

I don’t want to be afraid of the changes
that life will bring me, I want to breathe … >>> More

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