How We Can Protect Ourselves From Toxic People

How we can protect ourselves from toxic people

There are many types of toxic people: jealous, jealous, possessive, pessimistic, authoritarian, manipulative … and we have to live with them every day, at work, with our friends or in our family. But it is our attitudes and our ability to deal with them that determine whether toxic people affect us negatively.

Allowing them to penetrate our hearts and prevent us from breathing or allow them to make us feel uncomfortable is something we can avoid if we want to. Learn to protect yourself from toxic people.

“Often we allow blasphemous, jealous, authoritarian, psychotic, arrogant and levelless people to enter our closest circle. We let in the wrong people, the people who ceaselessly judge what we say or do, or what we don’t say or do. “

Bernado Stamateas

Darkness and toxic people

Feelings aroused in us by toxic people

“I feel so bad when I’m with her. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I’m not myself. I always see a suspicious look on her face. If I mention even the smallest triumph in my life, even if it is in the past and I make no secret of it, I can see and feel their jealousy, their discomfort, their anger. I feel like she’s never happy with the good things that happen to me. I think she always lives in some kind of competition with me. And I’m starting to get infected with this attitude.
The truth is, I feel deeply relieved when she’s not there. I am myself, I feel happy, I don’t have to hide who I am or hide the good things that happened to me today. What can I do?
It’s not good for me, but there are still similarities that bind us together and it is not easy to distance myself from it. Be it one way or the other, it is always present in my life. I think I am even obsessed with this situation. “

This is the story of a person who has a relationship with someone who is toxic to them. Fear, insecurity, discomfort, powerlessness and sadness are emotions that are aroused in us by toxic people.

In general, people who are influenced by or cohabiting with toxic people experience chronic stress, urgency, and discomfort while hanging out with them. Sometimes the relationship also leads to dependency.

“Let go of people who only come to share their complaints, problems, fears and judgments about others. If someone is looking for a trash can to get rid of their trash, make sure they don’t mistake your mind for one. “

Dalai Lama

How to stop toxic people from affecting us

  • Stop attaching such importance to them. There are toxic people out there, okay, but will you allow them to let yourself be bitter? When you realize that they have no influence on your inner being, that you are in control of the situation, then you will be able to feel happy with yourself again.
  • Distance yourself if you can. Forget these people when you can distance yourself from them. Lead your life and make the most of it.
Woman defends herself from toxic people
  • If distance is not an option, get used to living with these toxic people. You are there, so what? Mind your own business, do not get caught up in heated discussions, and do not try to receive her grace. Let them say what they want to say, do what they want to do … and approach the good people who are also around you. You mustn’t forget that these still exist.
  • Be careful with them. Don’t tell them your secrets. Save this for the people you trust and enjoy hanging out with.
  • Don’t talk about them when they’re not around. The more you talk about them, the more time you allow them to be in your head, the more space and time you waste on them. Do you think they would be worth it?
  • Forgive them. Do you know the virtues of forgiving? There is a good chance that some of your headaches or stomach aches will go away if you forgive. Don’t you think it’s time to take a look at yourself and your health? Don’t you think that you are foolishly punishing yourself?
  • Practice meditation and other forms of self-discovery. Meditate, run, listen to music – these are powerful weapons that free our mind from negative thoughts.
  • Analyze what negative people are doing to you and try to change it. Anger, suspicion, hate, fear? Be your own psychologist, recognize your feelings and stop allowing them to guide you. After all, you are the one who is suffering and having a bad time.

When you feel that toxic people are no longer affecting you, then you will manage to be happy with yourself and that is what really matters.

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