Do You Know How The Sea Affects Us?

Do you know how the sea affects us?

Vacation by the sea is healthy for us in many ways. When we humans have the opportunity to get to know the endless expanse of the sea, our perception and our state of mind change. Positive changes take place in our brain when the waves move gently up and down and we with them. Because of this, there are many people who can watch the sea for hours, even if they are not even aware of how the sea affects us.

The brain has a property called neuroplasticity. Everything we experience causes changes in our brain structures, smaller, larger, more or less decisive.  Meditation by and the view of the sea are some of these experiences that cause strong changes in our psyche.

“There was only the sea and me. And the sea was alone and I was alone. One of the two was missing. “

Antonio Porchia

It is no accident that so many poets dedicated their verses to the sea. This gigantic mass of water generates strong emotions and the perception of its movement can enormously stimulate our nervous system. In the following we will take a closer look at how the sea affects us.

1. The sea increases creativity

It has been shown that stimulating environments create stress. This is the case, for example, when we are walking through a busy street in a big city. Cars, people, buildings – we are flooded with acoustic, visual and sometimes olfactory stimuli. As a result, we feel exhausted.

Mussels in the glass

Exactly the opposite happens at the seaside. The sea is a seemingly infinite level of water from which only a few elements stand out. Waves, birds and maybe a boat can be seen. Each of these elements can be clearly defined. Our brain reacts, imagines things, and gets creative. The environment allows us to devote a large part of our resources to generating new thoughts, whereas in stimulating environments we mainly have to focus our attention on not getting lost.

2. We can meditate better by the sea

The sea demands all of our senses: the sound of the sea is gentle and follows a certain rhythm that we perceive through our hearing. At the same time, the blue or green of the ocean are colors that calm the mind. The sea also has its own smell of salt and seafood. We can let the water wash around our hands and then taste the salt on our skin.

All of this triggers so-called alpha waves in his brain. These waves usually occur when we. But in this case they show up in the waking state and in relation to an object, the sea, which changes little. The alpha wave state is also that achieved through meditation and has the power to help us clear our minds from negative thoughts. That is why the sea also potentiates the effect of mediation.

3. The sea relaxes us and reduces our fears

This is perhaps the most pronounced effect the sea has on the brain. The color, movement and expanse of the sea affect the brain and the entire nervous system. In front of our eyes we have an open space, which is completed by the infinity of the sky and which triggers a feeling of calm in us.

Head of a woman in the water

A calm sea creates a feeling of trust in us. This is because its vastness does not seem to hide any dangers. Our brain understands the sea as a danger-free zone and therefore our alarm bells fall silent. The result is relaxation. In addition, something deep inside us knows that all of our life comes from the sea. The sea means life. Because of this, we feel familiar with him in some ways.

4. The sea frees us from recurring thoughts

Recurring thoughts are those kinds of thoughts that we don’t want to let go of. We think of something that we just can’t get out of our heads. But no matter how often we think about the relevant topic, we simply don’t come to a conclusion, we just return to the starting point. It is always the same questions and the same answers that go through our minds and that worries us.

The sea helps us break this harmful cycle of thought. The reason for this is that it gives us stimuli that have little to do with our everyday surroundings. There is little that can get rid of our habits as easily as the sea. Hence, we can let go of obsessive thoughts that haunt us again and again.

5. It has a hypnotic effect on us

Just looking at the sea enables us to gain a new mental state. It is very attractive to us from an emotional point of view. This means that we perceive time differently. That’s why we can spend a lot of time by the sea without noticing how long we’ve been there.

Woman sitting in a paper boat

Ultimately, the sea is a natural wonder. It brings us to experience transcendental and healing moments at the same time. It’s almost like therapy for us because of its extraordinary effects on the brain. It is without a doubt one of the best places to go when the turmoil takes over as we can get rid of whatever worries us by the sea.

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