Do You Face Your Problems Or Do You Resist Them?

Do you face your problems or do you resist them?

We find ourselves in stressful situations every day. In situations that bring out our worst side. We fight, scream, rebel, and often we act without thinking. We’re losing control. But with the right perspective, we can look at the same difficulties and problems to which we react so inappropriately in a different way and grow with them.

Whether you face your problems or resist them doesn’t just depend on the circumstances. That choice is rooted in a decision that you make internally. Sometimes you subconsciously choose to resist, and other times you bravely face your problems. These are two options, let us succeed or fail.

The choice to face or to face an adversity takes place within and determines whether one succeeds or not.

Facing problems is emotionally demanding

Facing problems increases the likelihood of losing control. We are much more easily carried away by our feelings when we face a problem without having had time to look at it calmly. Our emotions then take control and we let it happen. But this kind of emotional freedom often results in you regretting what you have thoughtlessly done or said.

Without knowing how you got here, you find yourself in the midst of senseless arguments and arguments. All they do is eat you emotionally, and sometimes even physically. But as soon as you look at the situation from a different perspective, you realize that you have made mountains out of molehills.

Man standing in front of a wall of bushes

Have you ever responded impulsively to something? When that happens, it means that you have succumbed to your protective instincts. But if you do think about it, you (or anyone else) probably weren’t in danger. Sometimes we react impulsively to defend our ego.

Resisting problems makes us lose control and therefore makes it harder for us to find a solution.

You become intolerant when you resist the things that happen to you. You are constrained when you see them as a threat or an enemy rather than a challenge. This will keep you from thinking clearly. And that’s why thoughts of remorse go through your head afterwards. You could have done better …

But there is the other option, though it may take some practice. You’d have to work on it, but it’s worth the effort. But how can you stop opposing your problem and how do you start facing it?

When you face your problems, you will grow

You don’t get stronger when you resist difficulties. You are just wasting energy, letting your most basic instincts guide you without becoming mentally active. Eventually, this will prevent you from adequately handling the situation. But when you face your problems, you will grow with them, become stronger and more mature. You will find yourself in better circumstances to overcome any difficulty that arises much more effectively.

When fate blocks your path, you will know how to stop and take a deep breath. Then you can see things more clearly and make targeted decisions because you know you can take your time. After all, you won’t achieve anything if you react immediately or respond impulsively. It is often a mistake to rush to answer when the situation does not call for it. And it’s often a reason to pull your hair out afterwards.

When you are calm and relaxed, even when everything around you is in chaos, you will be able to think about things more objectively. And when you stop to take a deep breath, the solution is much closer.

Umbrella that turns into leaves

In addition, you will fewer people needlessly hurt when you face your problems. If you express yourself clearly and honestly but respectfully, your opinion will be easier for others to understand. And then your criticism of other people will no longer be taken so personally.

Only people who have faced their problems know their own strengths.

As you can see, when faced with an obstacle, we have two options. You can indulge in your instincts to oppose your problems. Or you make the decision to face your problems. In the first way, you lose control, don’t process your emotions and end up with remorse eating away at you. On the other, you will train your assertiveness and find out how you can solve problems more effectively and learn from them.

Difficulties always give us the opportunity to learn. They are not a tragedy and you are not a victim. But if you put yourself in the role of victim, you will oppose them instead of facing them. Instead, make them part of your story, development, and growth.

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