Cope With Moments Of Stress With The Mindfulness Sandwich Method

Coping with moments of stress with the mindfulness sandwich method

Sometimes it is necessary to give yourself a break. To free yourself from worries and to reduce the speed on these mental highways, on which the fears make you get faster and faster. You can use the mindfulness sandwich method, which requires two discs of “conscious breathing” and a filling called “body in action”. You will notice a result almost immediately.

Anyone who has never heard of this simple strategy for coping with tension and anxiety will surely be surprised. It is easy to learn and only takes 5 minutes to implement. But what is even more important: if you use them daily, the effect on the brain becomes increasingly clear.

“The place is here. The time is now. Now and here and in the here and now. “

Louise hay

The subject of mindfulness is becoming more and more relevant. Every day you have to cope with various different situations that can be characterized by worries as well as tension and of course fear. So it is quite possible that you have already asked yourself whether this principle really works or has just been marketed well.

One aspect should be clear from the start: Mindfulness is by no means a panacea. It is also not used for meditation. Rather, it is a matter of a quality of human consciousness. A capacity that everyone has, but not everyone knows how to use it. Essentially, it’s about recognizing and accepting something in the present moment. You can think of it as a megaphone that draws your attention. In this way you register what happens to you and your environment.

It wasn’t that long ago that this philosophy was exclusively part of traditional and religious principles. Nowadays, however, science is also paying increasing attention to the subject of mindfulness. It is a skill that is well observable and easy to learn. If you are encouraged to do so, you can begin with the mindfulness sandwich method.

Woman relaxing by a lake using the mindfulness sandwich method

Mindfulness is a reminder that the present moment is not always a place of calm. We all know that too well. Fear, stress and tension automatically wander your thoughts. One lets oneself be carried away by these unconscious mental currents until one has created a behavior pattern that leaves little room for change. In this way, one only increases one’s suffering even more, even if it happens unconsciously.

The mindfulness sandwich method helps to improve this situation. In doing so, it creates a space between the person concerned and their experiences. It forms a small area of ​​peace in which you can take control again. For this it is necessary to recognize what is happening to oneself and in one’s surroundings. In this way, you can make appropriate decisions, make changes, and ultimately focus on your own wellbeing.

So what is the mindfulness sandwich method?

Woman is watching the sunset

Like any good sandwich, the mindfulness sandwich method consists of two slices and a delicious filling that ultimately nourishes the human spirit. For example, it also represents a great strategy in everyday work. After all, there are always moments, especially at work, when you feel drained and at the limit. This technique can also be used in those moments when you feel blocked with tension and worry and do not know how to react.

The first slice

  • The first slice consists of 10 cycles of conscious breaths. To do this, look at the tip of your own nose and inhale for 4 seconds. The stomach rises and diaphragmatic breathing is encouraged.
  • The air is held for 5 seconds.
  • Then you breathe out through your mouth for 8 seconds. 
  • This process is then repeated 10 times.

The filling

  • The filling can be put together according to individual wishes, but always works according to the same principle: You move for 3 minutes.  For example, you can straighten your back and arms when you just need a little break from working on the computer. Another option is to get up from your seat and go to the window. Exercises for the neck and shoulders relieve tension. A short walk or climbing stairs is also conceivable. There are many different ways to move around for a few minutes. You can simply observe your surroundings and see what opportunities it opens up.

The last slice of the mindfulness sandwich method consists of the breathing cycles mentioned above: consciously inhale and exhale 10 times.

In conclusion, it can be said that doing this technique three times a day would be ideal. It doesn’t take longer than five minutes each and the result is sensational. When the mind gets used to those moments of mental calm, the changes become noticeable. The brain gets more oxygen and attention is focused on the present moment. Mindfulness can be thought of as a muscle that improves its functionality through exercise.

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