Bring Wealth Into Your Life!

Bring wealth into your life!

“If I run after the money, I never have enough. When my life is centered on one goal and on giving the best of myself, I will get really rich. “

Wayne Dyer

What does it mean to be rich?

To be rich means to have a large amount of something, but this “something” must not necessarily be seen in the financial sense, but in the broader sense of the word.

I can be rich because I travel with my family, because I help other people, because I dedicate myself to what I am passionate about.

Therefore, one has to understand wealth in a broader sense. Don’t just think about money, think about what makes you feel good and happy.

The first question we have to ask ourselves is: How do we feel: rich or poor?


The influence of limiting views

According to Enric Corberá, psychologist and specialist in BioNeuroEmotion, there are a number of views that limit us. They are ingrained in our heads and prevent us from living richly.

One of these limiting views is the work or idea we have about work because we start from the basic idea that we only get something when we give, that is, that we only deserve things through hard work, effort and sacrifice.

We believe that things go wrong when we achieve wealth without effort.

When someone helps us without expecting anything in return, we often think, “What does this person want from me?”, “Why is they helping me?”, “What does they expect from me?” We can’t imagine that this person will only help us because he wants to help us, because he likes to help without expecting anything.

Another limitation that we have internalized is attachment to what we have. We are afraid of losing what we have. We are afraid of losing our partner, our money or our work.

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But in reality, when you have something, you have to be willing to let it go in order for something new to come into your life. For example, if I have a partner who no longer loves me or doesn’t want to be with me, it’s better to let them go. This is the only way for someone new to come into my life or not if I just want to live my solitude in joy and discover myself as a person.

Often we tend to strive for money or other symbols of wealth, such as an expensive watch, a car, etc. An important question is: What do I want this for?

If the answer is “ to get status”  it shows our low self-esteem, which is why we seek money and status symbols. We believe that we need these things in order to show this very status.

If we feel small and unworthy, this is exactly what we will get because our subconscious always gives us what we believe we deserve.

How do I get rich in life?

If we assume we are wealthy, we only need to improve a few aspects of our thinking to feel rich, such as:

Improve our self-esteem

Our self-esteem, or the image we have of ourselves, is one aspect that we need to improve in order to get rich. In general, our self-image depends on the idea that others have of us.

The Argentine psychologist Walter Riso gives us a few tips to improve our self-confidence:

– Promote your self-praise. We shouldn’t punish ourselves with bad words about ourselves, but should rather motivate ourselves with positive words: “I did a great job!”

– reward yourself. When you achieve something positive in life, reward yourself. It is not necessary that you reward yourself with expensive things. If you like these candies, buy them; if you enjoy going to the movies, do that every now and then.

– Banish overwhelming thoughts that prevent you from strengthening yourself. One example is self-control over feelings. Of course we have to set certain limits for them, but we must not forget to enjoy and feel, sometimes leaving the rational level aside.

– Do not be ashamed of your successes and efforts. Acknowledge your successes and don’t mess them up.

“The important thing is not to be beautiful, but to please yourself.”

Walter Riso

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Change the limiting thoughts

In order to live in abundance, it is important to overcome the thoughts that limit us.

In order to be rich, without effort and without suffering, we have to let go to let in new things. We are not allowed to be attached to our possessions and we are not allowed to chase after money or status symbols.

To be thankful

It is important to be grateful in all situations in our life, in good times and bad. Because gratitude is one of the highest human attitudes.

Be open for something new

If I lose something, I can think that something better will come that will close the gap that has left. Something that will bring us new things, a new person, or a new circumstance.

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