Body Image: It’s Great To Have A Unique Body

Body image: It's great to have a unique body

Everyone creates their own body image from what they see in the mirror and also from other factors: a self-image or self-esteem that results from the perception of their own body, personality, experiences or education. In addition, the social environment and the influence of general beauty standards make the body image a very complex portrait.

There are several reasons why you might be dissatisfied with your own body. There are people who come very close to what society perceives as beautiful, and yet hate the way they look. Others feel punished by society for weighing more than what one should weigh and feel discriminated against in the process. So you see those who wish to be thinner; others who suffer because they are not athletic or fit enough. Some would like more curves, while others find their voluptuous bodies repulsive. Sometimes the dissatisfaction is weak, but sometimes it is so intense that it causes a great deal of suffering. This can lead to anorexia, bulimia, bigorexia, and other medical conditions.

To eliminate these toxic thoughts, projects have been launched that aim to prevent eating disorders, raise awareness, and empower people who are unhappy in their own skin.

“I got stuck in the scales game. I was the kind of person who weighed three times a day. But one day I realized that it’s not about the number on the scales, but how I project myself. “

Chrissy Teigen

Something goes wrong when people want to change their body and not their body image

Dissatisfaction with one’s own body is a problem that continues to spread. These days, 80% of women don’t like the way they look. And many men are also affected. This outburst of dissatisfaction is due to the persistent pressures experienced daily on social media, on the street, at work, and in the family. Everyone feels empowered to comment on wrinkles, fat or lack of it – even when it comes to someone else’s body.

Therefore it is understandable that nowadays you care more and more about your image. Everyone wants to be an exclusive copy of the stars from the marketing and fashion world. But how far can you go?

When you consider that the gap between average height and “ideal” height is widening, it is not surprising that dissatisfaction with one’s own body is growing. The range of what is acceptable is narrowing, which means that more and more people do not meet these standards.

Stop anorexia - woman with measuring tape in front of her mouth

“I was always plump. Being compared to my sisters was something I was used to. But I’ve been compared in such harsh ways that I just thought, ‘Okay, this is my role.’ So I started saying it before people did. I said, ‘Okay, I’m the fat, funny sister who cares?’ In truth, I was neither overweight nor obese. But society made me believe that it was me. “

Khloe Kardashian

When the standard triggers eating disorders

Society should view the problem with body image as something that is self-made. Expanding the concept of beauty goes beyond physical properties. It’s a duty everyone should do : for the emotional well-being of those who hate their bodies so much that they end up developing eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.

“While I was growing up, I did not receive any positive reinforcement of my body image from any woman. I’ve only heard negatives. This is very damaging, because it means you are programmed at a young age to constantly question your own body. “

Kate Winslet

Woman with inappropriate body image in front of apple

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