I Have Problems With Everyone. Am I The Problem

I have problems with all of them.  Am i the problem

There are always days when we get up in a bad mood, wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or in a mood that almost explodes. Then we already know: this is a day that will bring problems. Like some kind of annoying itch that we can’t shake off. No matter how much we swing our fists around us, like when we were little and tried to find the pot blindfolded. The bad thing is that we don’t always send warning signs when we’re walking around with a wooden spoon ready to strike. Others who approach us trustingly can then take a bad blow.

And that’s why it is essential for us to have certain mental aids so that we know how to get these days under control in good time when we are mad at the whole world. We can’t expect everyone around us to change and show us smiles. Rather, it’s about going away for a moment, leaving a place so that we can’t attack anyone and relax.

At other times, we get up in a normal mood, although not necessarily euphoria, and yet we cannot prevent ourselves from moving from one argument to the next. One disaster becomes the next. Who is responsible in these situations? What can be done to solve this problem? The fact that we don’t really get on with anyone, is it our fault or theirs?

Are we creating the problems or are we just locating them?

Of course we would all say, “I’m not looking for arguments. He’ll find me. ”   But sometimes our attitudes or the way we think are a kind of bait for problems . As if you were a big magnet that attracts the problems.


The same thing happens in relationships. If we often cannot maintain friendships, relationships, or good working relationships with our co-workers, then it may be that we are responsible. If these situations occur frequently, then we can no longer blame the others, the circumstances, or our poor choices about who to surround ourselves with.

We have to start by questioning ourselves and understanding why we always end up in the same situation. Remember that the same actions often lead to the same results. If there is something you don’t want, you have to act differently to change it.

Problems recur from time to time

While we are talking about empty phrases, we could also pick one that fits this problem perfectly: “We humans tend to trip over the same stone twice. And we also make friends with him. ”   If we have problems with a few people, it can be normal and even understandable, because we cannot be everyone’s friend. But if we argue with our neighbors, our parents, our boss, the cashier in the supermarket, our colleagues, our school friend and the bus driver, then we are probably in trouble.

The good news is that once we realize this behavior can be changed and improved. For this it is essential that we take responsibility for our mistakes. It is customary to say that the other person is the one with the problem that the world is to blame for everything, that we are free from all responsibility.

“Did everyone conspire against me?” That’s a very popular phrase. Could it also be that you conspired against everyone? Of course, hurting other people is not an intention or aim, but the fact is that with our actions we hurt and push away those we love, and also strangers.

Taking responsibility for our problems

The first step in stopping blaming the world, karma, or the universe for our problems is to take responsibility for them. If you get nervous driving a car with your partner in the passenger seat, that’s your problem, not his. If you have an argument with a coworker in the office about a misunderstanding, it is your fault that you didn’t check in on time, and not that of the coworker who tried to explain the situation to you.

We could give thousands of examples like this, but the important thing is why we argue with others or push them away from us. It is our attitude! The way you act defines you and can help or hurt you when it comes to human relationships.

Why not start with a bit of objective introspection to find out where you failed? There’s no reason to get ready for it or run through the streets distracted and crying. It’s just about understanding what words, actions, or emotions caused you to have problems with others.


Maybe it’s due to a lack of self-esteem, fear of accepting your own feelings, losing control in situations, or being mad at yourself. There are so many and different ways that people live on this planet.

If you know someone who is in such a situation, or even you are, then your job now is to think about how the other person feels when you react in this way. Think about the fact that anger towards the world increases the likelihood that it will treat you the way you treat it. You and your view of the world cannot end in a positive way for you and the people around you.

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