5 Yoga Poses For Children

5 yoga poses for kids

Physical activity is just as important to our children as it is to us. Swimming, karate, theater, painting … There are tons of activities that can improve the skills of our little ones. What is probably not so well known is that yoga is one of the best pastimes for kids to better understand what Me-Time is all about. That is why today we are introducing five yoga poses for children. 

Yoga originated in India as a form of mental and physical stimulation. Europe first became aware of yoga in the 17th century when archaeologist John Marshall found a postage stamp with figures whose positions were unknown to the Western world.

Nowadays there are many different types of yoga to suit every person’s needs. Some are more focused on mental wellbeing, while others are more physical. Some people understand yoga as a purely religious ritual, but there are also therapeutic variants of yoga.

Among all these different types of yoga, there is also one branch that is suitable for children. Doctors recommend yoga for children as it has many benefits. And we can practice it at home too, as these exercises can help promote psychomotor development, strengthen the spine, and improve flexibility. That’s great!

5 yoga poses for kids

Our child may not be particularly interested in yoga at first. But maybe that’s just because it has never done yoga before. The poses we show you today are examples of how an age-old practice can be adapted to the ability of every person, including our children.

A child is in the meadow taking the cobra yoga pose.

Sun salutation

Our child should stand upright with legs hip-width apart and try to lower the upper body to the feet so that it comes to lie as parallel to the legs as possible. This is one of the most recommended exercises for children who have just started practicing yoga.

Performing this pose is easy and does not require much effort. However, we should keep an eye on our child so that they don’t move too fast or injure their back. Many children enjoy this pose because it is easy to understand. However, if our child is too enthusiastic, their own impulsiveness can upset them.

“I was and still am a seeker, but I’ve stopped asking the books and the stars. I have started to follow the teaching of my soul. “


Sitting forward bend

This pose is perfect for promoting the child’s flexibility. The child should sit with their legs outstretched and try to reach their toes. The child should hold this position for a few seconds. This will help the child stretch their ligaments and gradually strengthen their joints.

The spine plays a fundamental role in this posture. Children particularly like this position because it allows them to use their creativity and imagination: once they can touch their toes with their hands, they can try to bend even deeper.

Tree pose

For this pose, the child should pretend it is a tree. It should stand up straight and imagine its roots holding it to the ground. Then it should move the sole of one foot and touch the inside of the opposite leg. The child should try to hold this pose for as long as their balance allows.

Once the child is balanced, they should raise their arms above their head. It should imagine that it is a strong tree that even a great storm cannot shake.

A mother and her child stand on a mountain while doing a yoga exercise.

Warrior pose

To perform this pose, the child should take a lunge with their head pointing forward. The back leg remains straight. Once the child is balanced, ask them to raise their arms above their head as in the previous pose.

In this pose, the child should imagine that they are a strong warrior. It should imagine that no one can knock it down or move it from the spot. This is a perfect way to increase the child’s concentration and strength, and to quickly improve their balance.

Cobra pose

The cobra pose is one of the most popular yoga poses for children. The child should first lie face down on the floor. With the help of their hands, the child should then slowly lift their upper body. The lower part of the body should remain straight and stretched.

A mother and her child are in the park doing yoga on a blanket.

This exercise strengthens the spine. It also helps strengthen wrists and arms. Children often associate this attitude with a snake attacking. So if you take this pose, you will likely feel brave.

Yoga is one of the most comprehensive practices out there. The introduction at a young age is therefore a big step in the right direction. It helps the child to improve certain skills such as strength and concentration at an early stage. But we should never force our child to do yoga. There is nothing worse than having a child feeling pressured to do something.

The exercises presented here teach children important life skills. If in doubt, however, you should first train with an experienced yogi in order to avoid injuries. 

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