You Harm Yourself Unnoticed With These 5 Behaviors

You are harming yourself unnoticed with these 5 behaviors

Most of all, taking care of ourselves means knowing how to respect and love each other unconditionally, whether we are pretty or ugly, sad or happy, triumph or fail. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a difficult task, but it becomes a mammoth task when we think about what upbringing we had or what the advertisements, movies or songs told us by the flower and we in some way to make demands on ourselves – yes, then we harm ourselves.

It is almost as if someone is “selfish,” “haughty,” or “conceited” when they love themselves, occasionally compliment themselves, or pat themselves on the back. “Be humble and reserved,” we were always told, or: “Don’t be conceited, or you will lose everything.”

We all agree that we don’t have to be a narcissist, but that there is psychological value in loving yourself a little more and not making yourself as small as we usually like to do.

Because if we don’t, the end of the story is usually that we put our interests and needs aside, they are not our top priority and we therefore no longer care about ourselves. Most of the time, it happens because the affirmation of our fellow human beings or the extreme desire to be perfect and not to make mistakes in the eyes of others leads us to do so.

Are you taking care of yourself

Perhaps you were able to recognize yourself in the introduction to this article and you realized that you do not care about yourself on an emotional level and therefore you sometimes harm yourself. Nonetheless, I recommend that you take a closer look at these points and think about whether you need to love yourself a little more.

You harm yourself …


… when you force yourself to be perfect

Asking yourself to be perfect is an unrealistic goal because no matter how hard we try, we will never cross that finish line. We humans make mistakes all the time and it is thanks to this that we learn and improve, but we will never be infallible.

If you think you can be perfect, you are wasting energy unnecessarily. Ultimately, you’ll only get frustrated when things don’t go the way you wanted them to, and you will end up discarding your goals precisely because they don’t make you live up to your expectations.

To ask too much of yourself means to take too little care of yourself.

… if you don’t indulge yourself

If you don’t reward yourself every now and then, don’t take a breather or a break, or don’t forgive yourself if you’ve acted differently than you “should”, then you are definitely harming yourself. It’s great to take responsibility and try to make our dreams come true, but it’s incredibly important to reward yourself for it every now and then.

Telling yourself “because I deserve it” is beneficial to our emotional health and helps keep us on the ball.

… when you say “yes”  even though you actually want to say “no” 

In this case, the needs of others are more important to you than your own, and that is clear evidence that you lack respect for yourself. We can of course do others a favor from time to time, but only if our principles and personal criteria are not violated in the process. But we must not feel obliged to say “yes”  to everything .

There are no excuses here: be it a family member, a friend or acquaintance – if we don’t want to do something, we don’t have to, and if the other person misunderstands this, that is his problem and not ours.


… when you let yourself be influenced by the opinions of others

Are you really convinced that everyone else is always right and that your opinion doesn’t count?

Everyone creates their own reality through what they hear from others or how they were raised. That’s not to say that everything someone thinks corresponds to reality. For this reason , it is appropriate to listen to the opinions of others, but they should not keep us occupied and dictate our opinion.

We form our own opinion, which is just as valuable as that of our fellow human beings, if we feel good about them.

… if you don’t allow yourself to live the present

Your mind is like a traveler who is always in the past or the future, never stops and does not arrive in the present. Therefore, you do not enjoy what you have in this exact moment, you lose this moment and that also means that you are not paying enough attention to yourself.

If you complain too much about what used to be and what you couldn’t change, or if you worry excessively about what may come but has not yet happened, you are not living in the here and now and harming yourself with it yourself.


How can you live up to yourself?

After looking at these five behaviors, you must have noticed that you are not really doing yourself justice. But now is the right time to start. Obviously you have to learn to respect yourself and for that you have to do exactly the opposite of what was described in the five previous points.

If you have high expectations of yourself and think you have to be perfect no matter what, it would be appropriate to adjust your expectations and accept yourself as the yardstick for your results .

If you always give and never get anything back from yourself, start now by rewarding yourself for every success, however small it may be. Take that well-deserved vacation or buy that dress you like so much. Learn to say “no” without making excuses, firmly and assertively, without fear of other people’s reactions. If this person is a good friend, he will understand.

Always remember that other people’s opinions are theirs. They will only become your own if you let that happen. Everyone has the right to think, say and express what they want, but you too have the right to believe what you want. Let your own intuition guide you.

Bring your mind back to the present when you find it wandering. To do this, concentrate on your surroundings, describe what you see, what you hear or what you feel. Enjoy what you are experiencing and remember that you can no longer change what happened and that what awaits you in the future must come your way.

Loving yourself: the beginning of a
never-ending love story

The adventure of our life begins with
unconditional love for ourselves … >>> More

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