The 3 Ways Of Thinking – Which Type Are You?

The 3 Mindsets - Which Type Are You?

Our way of thinking is reflected in our thoughts and actions. It is based on structured processes. In other words , all mental activity does not take place randomly, but is traced back to patterns or schemes that are learned in the course of life. That is not to say that they are immutable. Because the plasticity of the brain is amazing: We can definitely change the way we think.

“The brain is not a glass that needs to be filled, but a lamp that needs to be switched on.”


When we talk about ways of thinking, we are talking about such an abstract concept that it still puzzles many. It is about a term that summarizes all processes that take place in our brain: cognition, consciousness, interpretation, opinion formation, desires, feelings, etc. Mindsets are these streets that connect conscious, unconscious and functional processes.

Depending on how these roads are built, different mindsets can be defined: the inflexible mindset, the changing mindset, and the flexible mindset.  Each has its own characteristics and follows its own logic. However, none of these three mindsets are set in stone and transitions can be observed regularly. And yes, it is possible for one and the same person to change their way of thinking and, with regard to their way of thinking, to be classified in different categories at different times in their life.

Patterns and schemata in the brain

The inflexible mindset: The mindset that doesn’t want to look at new perspectives

The parenting factor can strongly favor this way of thinking. Often times, people with an inflexible mindset are also children of inflexible parents. Their stubbornness is basically a defense mechanism: entrenched opinions make them feel more in control and protect them from their insecurity. Those who have these character traits primarily show brain activities that focus on the discipline.

On the other hand, people with an inflexible mindset can be very superficial. You constantly analyze and evaluate the correctness of thoughts or actions. They assume that everything should be done according to a very specific scheme and that this is also given. As a result, they have great difficulty interpreting situations in context.

They may well feel confused and abandoned when something or someone takes them out of their comfort zone. Lack of control triggers with them afraid of, under which they suffer greatly.

The changing mindset : the person who changes his mind like a chameleon changes color

If you follow a changing mindset, the exact opposite of what we described earlier happens: the person simply cannot stick to one opinion and so they are content with everything. It takes the form of what surrounds it.

A fish-shaped eye - How humans adapt to their environment

These qualities are bestowed on those who have turned their backs on any kind of control over circumstances. People with this mindset always need something or someone to guide them. It is very difficult for them to make decisions, and it is even more difficult for them to take a stand on a fact. They don’t know what to think. And since they don’t know, they pass this task on to others, in whom they appreciate this security that they themselves lack.

It is very difficult for someone with such a mindset to stand firm. He hardly sets goals, but lets others dictate them. These people excel in tasks that require a lot of submission. One way or another, they complement each other with people with an inflexible mindset.

The flexible mindset: The balanced mindset

The balanced mindset is characterized by the fact that it is customizable. Adaptable does not mean that the person, like the person with the changing mindset, passively accepts what is given. Adapting this mindset is reasoned and creative. These people know how to take a stand on reality without imposing their opinion on others, but also without submissively accepting the opinion of others.

In this case, it is the way of thinking that drives action. Reality is a fact that is recognized, analyzed and internalized. One remains open to arguments and evidence, which is why a change of opinion and adaptation to new information can take place with the flexible way of thinking. Basically, people are frugal with this way of thinking. He is not convinced that he knows the truth, but is also not susceptible to irrational or wrong thinking due to a lack of judgment.

This way of thinking is responsible for making relationships with fellow human beings sociable and constructive. This way of thinking also creates the conditions for them to be further developed. Life is change, and change is positive because it challenges you and helps you grow at the same time.

Three little birds sit on a branch

None of us shows only one of these ways of thinking in every situation. We all have a little of each, but one or the other predominates. Nor can we say that there is such a thing as “bad mindsets” and “good mindsets”. Still, it is worth the effort to understand that there are types of thinking that help us be happier while others are blocking or limiting us. And therefore it is appropriate to reflect on your own thought patterns and to remember that a way of thinking can be changed.

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