If You Love Me, Then Love Me Completely

If you love me, then love me completely

If you love me, then love me completely Do not
differentiate between light and dark sides.
If you love me then love me in black and white
And gray, and green,
and blonde
and brown.
Love me in the day
Love me in the night
And in the morning with the window open! 

If you love me, don’t cut out just a part.
Love me all … or you don’t love me at all!

Dulce María Loynaz

We are not incomplete beings. We don’t need a better half to be happy. We are whole oranges, lemons, peaches and many other fruits that fill our world and our air.

Sometimes we’re lucky to find another fruit that moves in tune with our rhythm. Then we start to take steps together, walks that can last our whole life or that can come to an end very suddenly.

A peach half can go perfectly with an orange half if both are willing to live a life together and are able to respect their differences and similarities.

trapped heart

Love and respect go hand in hand

Frida Kahlo

Stories of Better Halves and Love Stories from Disney are a big scam. They get us to the point where we believe such stories are normal. But if we are only looking for that kind of love, then we are condemned to loneliness.

It looks bad when our fruit halves start to rot, when the “sometimes yes, sometimes no” or “maybe we’ll do it tomorrow”   finds its way into our relationship. This is supposed to mean that if you love each other , you love each other in your entirety, and we give our all for the relationship as long as it is healthy.

It is not a matter of principle, but a matter of respect and self-esteem. It is neither fair nor healthy to give love without receiving it, it does not make us feel good.

We agree that love should be altruistic, but this does not want to and should not mean that one can be exploited.  So when you find and suffer from them trying to get you in line with the carrot and stick, then the time has come to think about leaving the game and building your own life.

Stone butterfly

The love we all deserve is love in all its abundance

You deserve a love that likes you unkempt, with everything that defines you, and that takes away all this pressure from you that all these ghosts create that don’t let you sleep.
You deserve a love that gives you security, that doesn’t mind the world as long as it goes by your side and where you can feel that your hugs fit perfectly with your skin.
You deserve a love that wants to dance with you, that makes you step into paradise every time it looks you in the eyes, and that never gets bored reading your facial expressions.
You deserve a love that listens to you when you sing, that supports you in your ridiculousness, that respects your freedom and accompanies you on your flight, that is not afraid of the fall.
You deserve a love that brings no lies, that brings you illusion, coffee and poetry.

Frida Kahlo

It’s not about the others having to like every part of you or each of your manias, it’s about the person who really loves you not trying to change you or manipulate you. Every little gesture that makes something special out of our being and our world deserves attention.

Lunar ladder

We have to allow our companion to love us how he wants it and not how we want it, but at the same time we always fly on with our wings of freedom. This means that no one has the right to harm us or play the wrong game with us.

In this sense, we cannot let ourselves be carried away by our needs or our idea of ​​ideal love, but must establish principles of respect, acceptance and reciprocity.

We don’t deserve to be half loved. We deserve to be shown this, and for that it is essential to turn off our egoisms. Because real love doesn’t take advantage of anyone, not even a situation.

Being loved deeply gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

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