Happiness Can Be Found In The Madness Of Life

Happiness can be found in the madness of life

I know a lot of people who spend all their time trying to fix everything, and I’m sure you know more people like that. Deep down, they loathe the task they are so ardently devoting themselves to, but something in their brains is holding them back from escaping that tyrannical devotion. Your restlessness and fears are always triggered when logic does not prevail and madness takes over.

This kind of confrontation between cosmos and chaos, order and disorder, is part of our history as thinkers and above all as interpreters of the world in which we live. Order has an undeniable charm, it is logical, it makes the world predictable and therefore controllable to a certain extent.

There are even people who try to bring a similar order to their thoughts, as if there was a shelf in their brain for emotions that they could choose from each day and combine the appropriate thoughts with it. Maybe one day with the help of technology we will be able to do something similar, but that would also be proof that something tragic happened: we would have become completely unnatural.

Madness is part of life

Or to put it another way, the primitive will always be part of our lives. By that I mean intuition, creativity, improvisation and greatness. Not everything has a reason, neither in the causal (cause) nor in the pragmatic sense (result) and that’s okay.

In other words, it’s okay because sometimes things happen that are past and future independent, that break the thought pattern, that are born and die at the same time. This is a reconciliation with the present, with a present that we can consider a wonderful gift.

Why are you here? What did you come here for It doesn’t matter right now, you may not even know it. Anyway, I’m here too. I have no idea what led to my arrival here, nor did I come to achieve anything. I’m just here with you

Isn’t that wonderful?

Accept the madness and enjoy it as a sign of maturity

Passion cannot be nurtured without madness. Order feeds security, but madness feeds the soul and gives us hope. Healthy madness conquers our heart and supplies it against all logic, because madness would rather keep stolen hearts alive than its own. Falling in love is a kind of madness that seizes other hearts and turns them into their own.

Logically speaking, there is no point in falling in love. It requires a huge investment of resources, creates dizzying emotional instability and makes time – our most valuable resource – fly by. It moves even faster than light, because in this state everything seems to lose its solid substance. Everything but love itself.

Keep this in mind when you feel anxious because everything around you seems to be falling apart. Spare your conscience the burden you feel because you cannot control everything or because some parts of your life are chaotic. The somewhat unique way you are chugging around right now might just be what ultimately inspires you or others.

Madness is not nourishment, the content of life, but it gives flavor to life and completes it. It highlights the taste of life and all its facets.

There’s a reason that a regular rhythm can make kids fall asleep and bored adults. Variety wakes us up and makes our heart beat faster. The unexpected intensifies our emotions. This is why madness is the salt of life: dangerous if you ingest too much, but sinful in its absence because the dish has no taste … and life is a dish that should be enjoyed to the fullest.

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