About The Butterfly Who Thought It Was Still A Caterpillar

About the butterfly who thought it was still a caterpillar

This metamorphosis story is that of a butterfly who believed it was still a caterpillar. She tells of the transformation and of the fact that it is mostly not accepted. In truth, sometimes we have more strength than we are ready to see. However, we waste our energy defending ourselves against change. We do this by fixing our gaze on the past and trying to be who we were yesterday but who we are no longer today.

“What you defend against, that remains.”

Carl Gustav Jung

A story of transformation: from caterpillar to butterfly

A little while ago a small caterpillar was born. After initial difficulties, she crawled happily from one place to another on the earth. One day, when she was tired of crawling on the ground, she decided to climb a tree. But not just any tree, she chose a tree with a large trunk and fresh leaves. A tree she’d been playing under for a long time. The caterpillar climbed and climbed, but then it slipped, fell and could not move forward at first. But she kept fighting and step by step, little by little, she managed to climb very high. She arrived at a branch from which she could see the whole valley. The view was wonderful.She could see other animals, the blue sky with its white clouds and the great, deep blue sea on the horizon. Sitting on this branch, the caterpillar took a deep breath. She sat there and saw the world around her. And she felt that life was too good to be true. While the caterpillar was tired but at the same time grateful for its life as a caterpillar, it knew that the time for a change had come.

“The greatest gift you can give is that of your own transformation.”

Lao Tse

The caterpillar fell asleep feeling calm and thinking that it was probably her destiny to be more than a simple caterpillar. She slept and slept and grew a cocoon around her. A shell that had remained calm long enough to give the caterpillar time to become a new living being. When she woke up, she felt trapped in a heavy shell that did not allow her to move. She felt that something strange had grown on her back. With an effort she moved what looked like huge blue wings. This broke the shell. The caterpillar was no longer a caterpillar, it had become a blue butterfly.

Blue butterfly

However, the caterpillar had been a caterpillar for so long that it did not realize that it was no longer a caterpillar. So the blue butterfly crawled down from the tree using its short legs instead of its wings. He carried the weight of those great blue wings, a weight that drained his strength. The blue butterfly moved on its legs as it always has. He believed he was still a caterpillar. And so he continued to live as if this were actually the case. But his wings did not allow him to move on the ground with as much skill as before.

The weight of the wings

“What the end of time is for the caterpillar, the birth of a butterfly is for the rest of the world.”

Lao Tse

The butterfly, convinced that it was still a caterpillar, did not understand why life had become so difficult. Tired of bearing the weight of the wings, he decided to return to the branch where he had transformed. This time it was impossible for him to move forward, to climb up the tree. A gust of wind or some other unexpected event kept pushing him down. So the butterfly, which thought it was still a caterpillar, stood still and looked up at the branch that seemed so far away. He started to cry desperately.

A beautiful white butterfly approached him and heard his crying. The white butterfly perched on a flower and looked at the blue butterfly for a while without saying anything. When his crying subsided, the white butterfly said, “What happened?” “I can’t climb the tree. Although it was difficult for me, I was able to do it earlier, ”  complained the blue butterfly. “But if you can’t climb this branch … maybe you can fly up then,”   suggested his interlocutor.

The blue butterfly, who thought it was still a caterpillar, gave the white butterfly a funny look. Then he looked at his own large, heavy wings. Just as he did on the day he released himself from his shell, he moved it and opened it. They were so big and beautiful, with a blue color so intense that the transformed caterpillar got scared and quickly closed them again. The white butterfly then said, “You wear out your legs when you’re not using your wings,”   and elegantly flew away using its wings.

The takeoff

“There are decisions that change your life. And there are lives that change your decisions. “

Clara Molina

The blue butterfly looked astonished at every movement of the white butterfly and thought about his words. At that moment he began to understand that he was no longer a caterpillar, that those heavy wings might be useful. So the blue butterfly opened it again, and this time it left it open. He closed his eyes and felt the wind embrace her. He felt that those wings were now a part of him, and he accepted that he was no longer a caterpillar. And because of that, he could no longer live like a caterpillar crawling on the ground – he realized that.

Then it opened its wings wider and wider and became more and more of a butterfly. He watched the beautiful, almost magical blue of its wings. He soon realized that he was flying and slowly approaching the branch. Flying was much easier for him than putting one foot in front of the other, although he still had to perfect his technique. He discovered that his fear of flying had not made him accept who he really was. A caterpillar that had turned into a blue butterfly.

blue butterfly

This metamorphosis story is that of a butterfly who believed it was still a caterpillar. It’s the story of a beautiful blue butterfly with strong wings that can fly against the current. Amidst storms and strong winds. But he didn’t know about it for a long time.

The lesson from the history of metamorphosis

“It is impossible to always be the same person because we are alive.”

Eloy Moreno

The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is one of the most common metaphors used to talk about adaptability. That is why the butterfly was chosen as the main character for this story of metamorphosis: butterflies are a symbol of metamorphosis and at the same time a symbol of fragility and size.

This story of metamorphosis reminds us that we live in a changing, dynamic world, that it and we are constantly evolving. But sometimes we resist changes even though we have the strength to initiate them. We just don’t accept them. Maybe out of fear, shame, or guilt.

In this story, a beautiful and strong blue butterfly does not accept that it is no longer a caterpillar. As a result, he cannot enjoy his life. Part of him was clinging too tight to the past. He wanted to continue to live as he did before the transformation. It took him a while to accept that change is part of his life. Until he discovered what he got his wings for and how he could live from now on. He needed some help for that. It is no different with humans, because sometimes others see our strengths much more clearly than we do ourselves.

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