5 Movements By Leonardo Da Vinci

5 movements by Leonardo da Vinci

The sentences of Leonardo da Vinci that have come down to us are only a small selection of what distinguished this great man, who is considered one of the greatest geniuses of all time. He had an overwhelming intelligence and applied it to practically all areas of life. Few illustrious men had such versatility.

Da Vinci was an inventor, but also a passionate researcher and humanist in every way. His curiosity knew no bounds. She assumed an indomitable spirit in which the thirst for knowledge was greater than comfort. It often sparked controversy because it refused to stop on the path of knowledge.

Quotes from Leonardo da Vinci also reveal a thinker who reflects on the meaning of life, values ​​and the world – dynamic, moody, daring and sometimes with humor. Let us now turn to some of his most famous statements.

“Once you have experienced flying, you will walk the earth forever with your eyes directed skywards. Because that’s where you’ve been and you will always be drawn to it. “

Leonardo da Vinci

1. Three types of people

“There are three types of people: those who see, those who see what they are shown, and those who do not see.”

This is one of the sentences of Leonardo da Vinci that indirectly ask a question to man. Obviously in this case he does not refer to “seeing” as a physical act, but uses the word as a metaphor for the apprehension of reality, for the awareness of what is in the world.

Those who “see” are those who are able to visualize reality in the broadest sense. Those who only see what they are shown are the ones who look to others. And those who do not see simply refuse to grasp what the world is showing them.

Woman with the moon and blindfolded eyes

2. Laugh, always laugh

“If possible, even the dead should be made to laugh.”

Da Vinci not only had brains, but also a sense of humor. He loved creating situations where he could have fun with others, or at others’ expense. In fact, there is a hypothesis that the famous Turin Shroud is nothing more than a joke that da Vinci allowed himself to do.

In any case, this is one of the sentences of Leonardo da Vinci that express his playful spirit and claim laughter as an ingredient and symptom of quality of life. To laugh you need intelligence, openness and simplicity. These were all virtues of this great universal genius.

Leonardo da Vinci

3. Theory and Practice

“Anyone who surrenders to practice without science is like the helmsman who gets on a ship without a rudder or compass and never knows where to find out.”

Nobody has more authority than da Vinci to make this claim. In fact, his passion for knowledge stemmed from an awareness of his ignorance. This realization enabled him to extract information and develop theoretical principles.

At the same time he was a great inventor, that is, he knew how to apply the knowledge he had acquired to concrete solutions. Therefore, more than anyone else, he understood the close and dynamic relationship between theory and practice, between principles and their application.

4. About pleasure

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”

This is one of the most beautiful movements by Leonardo da Vinci. It is also one of those who best reflects his spirit of scientist, explorer and creator. He probably had to spend some hard hours looking for answers. Hence his extraordinary joy in understanding.

There is a deep satisfaction, every time we learn to understand something, a feeling of liberation and ease. Understanding means removing the uncertainty that arises from ignorance. It means more control and takes the burden off ignorance. It is a noble pleasure indeed that increases the happiness of those who experience it.

5. Be a spectator or a participant

“It has long struck me that people rarely feel achievement and let things happen. You go outside and let things happen. “

Moon in hand

With this statement, da Vinci tells us that passivity usually leads to places that we would hardly go voluntarily. The fact of being a spectator can help us in a certain moment, but if we keep this state permanently, the vitality, our vitality, tends to go out.

It’s interesting that da Vinci said that things can be made. He emphasizes that the human will is the driving force behind the events. Man can change reality through his actions. This is the principle of autonomy and freedom that is so characteristic of this man.

There are many sentences by Leonardo da Vinci that allow us to see the depth of his thinking. Although he is primarily remembered as a painter and inventor, much of his greatness stems from the philosophy of life that he adopted and promoted.

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