When The Partner Is Depressed: A Needy Kind Of Love

One of the main characteristics of depression is neediness. This can lead to a relationship becoming filled with requests and demands.
When the partner is depressed: A needy kind of love

It can happen that one or both partners in a relationship are depressed. You may also suffer from just some of the symptoms associated with it. Under these circumstances, both the relationship itself and the feelings take on specific characteristics. As a result, the couple tends to act out their relationship in a rather unusual way.

While this question may seem tough, it needs to be asked: can this feeling that arose in the midst of depression really be called love? Unfortunately, this is not the case very often. And if it can be called love, then it’s never a good kind of love. Because to love and to be loved always requires a certain state of equilibrium.

But just because relationships between depressed people may not be major love affairs doesn’t mean they are less intense. In fact, it’s generally quite the opposite, meaning that these couples usually experience very strong emotions. Additionally, the partner who is depressed usually feels that their own mood issues are fine. In fact, they’ll just face more problems lurking around the next corner.

With depression, you experience inner loneliness and the feeling that you are missing something

Depression and love

With depression, you experience inner loneliness and the feeling that you are missing something. Regardless of what that means from a psychological point of view, symbolically it is love that you lack. Among other things, you lack love for yourself, for everyone around you, for life and for work.

Moving from the symbolic to the purely physical, it becomes clear that love changes brain chemistry. Indeed, when someone is in love, there is a physiological correlation and neurotransmitters are released. Therefore, the person feels an increased sense of well-being.

When you put these two elements together, you come to a rather problematic conclusion. From a chemical point of view, love is a type of “drug” that treats depression. Additionally, from a symbolic point of view, it satisfies the problem of lack of love. Hence, one comes to a rather questionable conclusion: that the answer to everything is love.

When the partner is depressed: Depression in a relationship

Depression in a relationship usually occurs when a person with emotional deficiency or chemical imbalance finds someone who will completely transform them. In fact, being in love in the first phase of the relationship triggers the much-needed cocktail of neurotransmitters in their brains. This makes the depressed partner feel emotionally fulfilled.

What happens in a relationship affects both partners. However, in these particular cases, the depressed person could use the relationship to make themselves feel better. However, by adopting this somewhat selfish attitude, they are not really expressing true love. Plus, they’re likely to find that the next stage of their relationship is nowhere near as harmonious as the first stage.

Hence, sooner rather than later, your partner will cease to be a source of comfort and support. In addition, they are not just an inanimate object or drug, but a person. As a result, they begin to break under the strain. And then problems arise in the relationship. The partner who is depressed could first challenge the other and later plead with them to get back to who they were before. In fact, they want him to become the person who helped them deal with their uncomfortable emotions again.

When the partner is depressed, there is a lack of love

When the partner is depressed, there is a lack of love

Love is the missing ingredient in a relationship between depressed people. Not only is there a lack of being loved, but also of being able to love. It is also about the ability to let go of the other and let go of yourself as well. However, it is impossible to get to this point if the person has never loved himself.

The depressed person needs to heal himself before trying to share his life with someone else. The greatest risk in these scenarios is that the depressed person will imagine that someone else will save them. In fact, they tend to see their partner as their savior who will eventually save them.

However, what makes this situation so risky is the fact that the whole scenario is based on a lie that will eventually reveal itself. Also, far from helping, it will cause more pain. In fact, the depressed partner might view it as a complete disaster. In fact, it could be all they need to convince themselves that life is nothing but darkness. They also think that this darkness controls everything in their life.

Long-term relationships between depressed people don’t work. When both partners are depressed, one of them can end up being a “savior”. But at some point the relationship will break up.

You don’t have to be perfect to experience real love. However, a relationship needs the care of both partners and should therefore never be entered into from a position of need and need.

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