Honesty Is Always Valued

Honesty is always valued

There is so much emphasis on honesty these days when it should be normal that we are all honest with one another and that honesty is the foundation of all our relationships. Don’t you agree? Once someone is perfectly honest, there are no distortions of facts, half-truths, or ellipses.

And despite the unsightly fact that a lie obscures something and falsifies the truth, we are surrounded by it more often than we would like. Perhaps lies exist because of fear, because it makes it seem easier to protect someone, etc. Whatever the reason for a lie, it shows us that it is impossible in our society to always be absolutely honest be.

“To be truly noble means to take steps with the heart all our lives, to act according to our values, even if the price is high.”

Pink Montero

The Argentine writer Antonio Porchia once said that if a person and the truth spoke to him, he would not listen to the truth, but to the person. This is why we are so grateful to someone when they are honest with us, and that is why it is also good that we value honesty so much.

Despite disagreements, we value honesty very much

We are naturally different and that is a good thing. Your best friend may have a lot in common with you, but she’s not exactly like you and that’s why you like each other so much. You have different opinions, deal with your feelings differently and have your very own attitude in a wide variety of situations.

That is why we are grateful to have someone by our side who knows us and only wants our best when he speaks to us. Even if that someone has to bring us the worst news of all, they have to be completely honest with us and not gloss over anything.


The truth is a valuable tool for strengthening and maintaining connections. Nobody moves away from us, is annoyed with us or annoyed because we have told them something honestly, but the truth in itself troubles a person and there are truths that take their time. It is never a disadvantage to be honest with one another. A lie, on the other hand, is always revealed in the end and then the chaos is great.

In this world, honesty makes us valuable people

A lie only works up to a point. Just think once of the times you’ve lied to yourself. Apparently you had won, but the consequences of your self-deception were waiting for you just around the next corner, right?

We could say that lies only result in lies about lies. Even a three year old will lie. So whoever deals honestly with the truth, who knows how and when to deliver bad news, is someone we all like to surround ourselves with.

“To fall asleep with a clear conscience that you have said everything and kept nothing to yourself; You have been so honest as to recognize what is good and criticize what is bad – I believe that a clear conscience is the best pillow. “

Pablo Milanés

Lying is in most cases a conscious act and also a useful tool when we don’t want to face reality. In truth, a lie is the pawn of another reality that usually accumulates long-term interest that we cannot pay. On the other hand, we appreciate it so much when someone is bluntly honest with us that it becomes such a special and valued good.

If you tell me the truth, even if it hurts, we can handle anything

Because of all that we have said to an honest person, that person is one of the reasons for our happiness. Personally, I am grateful and happy when those around me are open and honest with me. There are people who tell me the truth in the face, even when it hurts, but who at the same time help me deal with it and they never let me down.


You probably feel the same way: You know that these people around you are there for you when they have to tell you something bad and that they give you the opportunity to face the pain that may come with it. That is to say, they help you make a decision, the decision about how you can personally deal with events.

“If you tell the truth,” the monster whispered in his ear, “you can deal with anything that happens to you.”

Out: A Monster Calls (Patrick Ness)

If you tell me the truth and it is not an attack on our relationship, this person knows that we can get through bad times together. It is not necessary to say that two together are stronger than one alone when going in the same direction.

The truth hurts once, but a lie hurts forever

The truth hurts once, but a lie hurts every time
you remember it … >>> More

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