5 Lessons That Will Make You Stronger

5 lessons that will make you stronger

Being strong doesn’t mean having the ability to lift heavy weights like a bodybuilder does. Rather, it is about the ability to face all circumstances in our life. This may sound pretty idealistic, but it is possible to have all the strength that it takes to overcome all of our obstacles.

It is not enough that we are aware of our capabilities and have confidence in them. We also need to know how to apply them in the given situations. And at the same time, we have to work hard to develop new skills that will help us become even stronger.

Pay close attention to what expectations you have towards people, events and yourself. Excessive optimism is not always a positive thing because it can also lead to frustration when a task is not completed.

Flower in the crack

But the solution is not to change completely and become a staunch pessimist. It is better to look at life through more realistic glasses. Not only will this help you achieve your own goals, it will save you from the vulnerability and pain that bad news and disappointment can cause in you.

Always keep the following lessons in mind. These are the lessons to keep in mind for anyone striving to become stronger, more proactive, and more mindful:

  1. Maybe there is no tomorrow.

What does that mean? Should we now always remember that we might die soon? No, definitely not. It is important, however, that we remember that the only thing we are “certain” about is the here and now. The past has already happened and the future remains uncertain.

You may think this is a pretty sad lesson. But if you put your emotions aside and think about them, you will realize that it is absolutely true. Don’t make plans for tomorrow unless you know for sure that tomorrow will actually come. It is more important that you focus on being happy today.

Of course, you can also think about the future. However, you shouldn’t let this stop you from living in the here and now.

  1. Life is not always easy.

Who just told you it was different? We won’t be able to achieve anything in life if we don’t make sacrifices, work hard, and move towards what we want.

Only a small number of people in this world are “lucky” not to have to do anything themselves because there are others who can serve and care for them. But is that really what you want? You should really think hard about the answer to this question.

As you experience your life day by day, you will also be more careful with the things you have already achieved and pay more attention to what makes you really happy. And then when you go through something negative and have a “bad time” you will remember that in the end all the effort will be worth it. Becoming aware of this reality is a great way to get stronger.

  1. It is possible to control everything.

When we are completely in our comfort zone, it is like staying in the womb forever. It is very safe there and we are looked after and are happy … Come out of your hole!

Compliance and security are for the weak. Do you also know why? Because such people are not proactive enough to go even a small step beyond what they already know. They are not trying to change their fate, but have resigned themselves to achieving little – instead of bothering to earn a lot.

Comfort zone
  1. Being informed and being wise are not one and the same.

What’s the point of spending an entire meal watching the news on TV? “To be informed”  would be the first answer here. But what does that mean? “Knowing what’s going on right now.”  Are you sure?

There is more to life than just a weather report, business, political developments, the latest celebrity family gossip, and sports news – not to mention bad news like robbery, murder, and injustice! As long as you don’t take this information and make something out of it – such as founding an NGO or helping to fight hunger in the world – it will in no way help, influence or shape you.

It is important that you surround yourself with literature that is aimed at helping you improve and for you to expand your inner strengths. Self-help books or books from philosophy would be a good example here.

  1. We cannot change the past.

To date, nobody has invented a time machine with which we can turn back time by a few years. And if that were also possible, what would it even do for you?

One of the ways you can be strong is by learning from your mistakes. What has happened has happened and it is impossible to change anything about it. It is up to you to learn from such lessons and see to it that they do not happen again.

Moreover, being born again means in our lives that we will make the same choices and make the same mistakes. So there’s no need to regret anything – so don’t do it either!

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