The Most Beautiful Flower Of All Is Honesty

The most beautiful flower of all is honesty

Honest people are sincere and generous and enjoy the happiness that comes from thoughts and actions. Honesty is not a mistake, but a sign of clarity of mind and heart, in which truth always reigns and in which the wind of humility fills the sails. Honesty is the most beautiful flower.

Those who live this authentically know that they have to pay a price for it. Honesty means always being sincere, and that sincerity has more than one disadvantage. This disadvantage arises from those who cannot handle honest language and a heart that hates lies.

“Anyone who doesn’t dare to scold can not be honest.”

Thomas Paine

Honesty requires dealing with yourself and knowing your limits. It is also necessary to explore the niche in which our vulnerability hides. We all have our flaws and sensitive points. Honest people are very aware of this.

On the other hand, we must not forget that honesty is a social value . And considering that big changes come out of smaller ones, let’s use that value to work on our personalities. In honesty we find a useful tool for our personal growth. It is also the engine that can strengthen our well-being as individuals in social life.

Girl with a fairy in her hand

Honest people are psychonauts

Astronauts as we know them are exploring the limits of space. You are explorers of other worlds and are hopelessly inquisitive about what is hidden far away from our little blue planet. And then there are the psychonauts. You dive into yourself, courageously and with great skill, in all these intimate layers that make up your personality and your psychological constellation .

I prefer to make people uncomfortable with my honesty than to please them with my hypocrisy.

Honest people are happier because they have explored their personal depths, previously ruled by indecision. And because they have overcome this raging fear that made them cling to half-truths or complete lies. They have learned to be critical of themselves but to tolerate their mistakes without punishing themselves. They also listen to their inner leader, who asks them to improve every day and every moment.

No one can be honest with their neighbor unless they are honest with themselves first. None of us can judge others if we haven’t swept ourselves through beforehand. This explains why people who are working on their honesty, healthier are , and why they feel a more authentic feeling of happiness and well-being. This is also proven by many studies. Without a doubt, the key to honesty is self-awareness.

Woman held captive by her flowers

To be honest with ourselves means to be the spiritual warrior who reveals to us who we really are. This warrior shows us our shadows. But it also helps us to heal ourselves and thereby gain a clearer view of our personality. Then we can really be honest. And humble.

The story of the most beautiful flower

In the book Historias de Luz y Sabiduría ( Stories about Light and Wisdom,  not available in German) by Pedro Alonso there is a unique short narrative that gives us a wonderful lesson about honesty.

The story takes place in ancient China, around 250 BC. The main character is a young prince who has to marry before he can become the new emperor. That was the law. And there were many female applicants. And in order to be able to choose his favorite among the many women who courted him, he carried out a small test with great finesse.

A ceremony was held during which all women who wanted to marry the prince had to present themselves in the courtyard of the palace. In the midst of the women was a young woman who secretly loved the candidate for the imperial crown. However , she was aware that she possessed neither grace nor wealth and even less beauty. Her mother tried to drive her dream out, but the fact that her heart was set and she was brave did not stop her from presenting herself to the prince that day.

Exotic flowers

When all the women were in the courtyard of the palace, the prince gave each of them a seed in their hand. He told them the women should come back to him in six months. The woman who brought him the most beautiful flower would become his wife.

The young woman returned home happy. She was a great gardener, and everything she touched bloomed impressively. However, nothing sprouted from the earth in the coming weeks and months. Her mother again advised her to forget the prince. Even so, she decided that she would present herself to the prince again, even if she had to show up empty-handed … Even if she had to do that to see the prince she loved again.

When the six months had passed and the women gathered again in the palace, they were all holding beautiful, perfect, spectacular flowers in their hands. But the young woman wept silently as she watched the prince, who valued every flower, until suddenly he walked up to her and carefully took her hand.

Two hands that have a magical connection with each other

“I’m going to marry this woman,”   the prince announced happily. The young woman was speechless. And when the other women asked him why he made this decision, he said firmly, “All the seeds I gave you were sterile. This woman alone brought me the most beautiful flower of all: that of honesty. “

Images courtesy of Anne Julie Aubry

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