4 Beneficial Psychological Effects Of Dancing

4 beneficial psychological effects of dancing

Did you know that dancing has many beneficial psychological effects? Have you already tried out all the aspects that dancing offers you? In this article we will introduce you to four positive psychological effects of dancing. We will give you four important reasons to swing your feet, body and mind to music.

Dance is a language that is understood around the world. Two or more people get together and can communicate with each other through the movements of their bodies alone. What connects them is their desire to move to the rhythm of the music. Music gives us the opportunity to meet new people without even having to speak. In fact, even to the fact that we can express ourselves without a single word.

We now introduce you to the five psychological benefits of dance that are beneficial for the body and mind:

Our creativity develops when we dance

When we allow our body to move in the flow of the music, we give wings to our thoughts. We don’t need any language for this. We just need to feel our body and express ourselves through it. The doors to spontaneity and creativity fly open. Behind that, new paths await us. We find brand new answers to the questions that concern us, and our world of thought wanders on previously unknown paths.

Professor Peter Lovatt, Head of the Dance Psychology Laboratory at the University of Hertfordshire (England, UK), conducted a study that showed that dancing helps the brain develop new ways of thinking. In addition, new neural circuits are formed when dancing.

Girl in pointe shoes dances in a black and white ballet dress in a forest clearing.

Dancing connects

Dancing enables us to connect to our innermost core. Through dance we are able to express feelings that we may not even be aware of. Dancing frees us from the burden we carry around with us. By dancing we have the opportunity to get to know ourselves by “speaking” another language.

However, when we dance we not only connect with ourselves. Dancing also has a social aspect: It enables us to get to know other people. Dancing connects people of all ages and gives people from all over the world a common language. Above all, it brings people with different tastes and personalities together. All are connected to one another through music and rhythm.

Dancing improves our state of being and increases our self-esteem

When you dance, you can safely ignore all your worries and concentrate on the movement. In addition, when you dance, dopamine and serotonin are released. These chemical messengers make feelings of stress smaller and feelings of happiness greater. Many studies support the theory that dancing can relieve physical pain in the back or head. Certain symptoms of depression can also be alleviated.

When we dance, our bodies, our minds and our thoughts come together. The connection grows and so does our self-esteem. Practicing with dance partners also increases self-confidence. The partner dance gives us greater trust in others. When we let go of our inhibitions and our creativity soars to the queen of the dance floor, we open doors in ourselves. And the frog on our self-love ladder climbs a little higher.

Woman in silhouette dancing in the sand by the water before sunset.

Dancing keeps our brain young longer

A study carried out in 2003 by the US neurology professor Dr. Joe Verghese shows that dancing has beneficial effects on neural synapses. The loss of volume in the hippocampus is slowed down. This occurs naturally during the aging process in humans. In the long run, dancing helps protect the brain. In further studies, the scientist found that dancing stimulates the central nervous system and brain activity.

Now you know what a positive service dancing and enjoying music can do. And your head will also be free. All of this protects your brain from the ravages of time. Think of dancing as an opportunity to express your creativity. Unleash your feet. Because the music and the dance will make your heart beat faster.

“The truest human expression is dance and music. Bodies never lie. “

Agnes George de Mille

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