The 10 Best Quotes From Maria Montessori

The 10 best quotes from Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori is one of the most important personalities of the 19th and 20th centuries. She was a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, anthropologist, biologist, educator, scientist and, moreover, hianus the first Italian to obtain a degree in medicine. The quotes from Maria Montessori are not only unforgettable because of this, but also because of their ongoing relevance in education. Read the ten best quotes from Maria Montessori here!

Maria Montessori revolutionized the education system. Their ideas and approaches have had a major impact on educational guidelines around the world. Today many of their principles are applied every day, although we are not always aware of them. Maria Montessori’s quotes reflect her ideas about upbringing. Her priority was always to show the child love and respect. The game also had an important place in their way of education.

“We do not move to breathe better or to nourish ourselves, but to serve the spiritual and universal world and thus to help life.”

Maria Montessori

Quotes from Maria Montessori about education and support

One of the most significant quotes from Maria Montessori is the following:

“In truth, those who are served are limited in their independence. This concept establishes the foundation of the dignified person of the future: ‘I don’t want to be served because I’m not incapable.’ This ideal has to be achieved before humanity can really feel free. “

A little girl puts on her right shoe.

For Maria Montessori, the basic idea of ​​help always included the risk of providing help in the wrong place. Relieving children of certain tasks instead of just helping them hinders their development. She also expressed this thought like this: “Unnecessary help is only a hurdle for development.”

For Maria Montessori there was a close connection between education and freedom. People teach and learn in order to become more independent and self-reliant. He makes himself strong against manipulation and learns to act consciously and free from any pressure. This is what another of Maria Montessori’s quotes says:  “Development is like a flight towards increasing independence. It flies straight ahead like an arrow, quickly and reliably. “

The teacher is an important advisor in this process. He cannot and should not subordinate his students to himself. On the contrary, the teacher’s goal should be that his students need him less and less instead of being dependent on him. Maria Montessori stated this in one of her most beautiful sayings: “The greatest success of a teacher is to be able to say that his students work as if he were not there.”

Montessori was certain that education was a crucial element in changing the world. In it lay the means for them to turn the story in a positive direction. She said,  “Help and salvation come through children, for children create the world.”

A boy plays with a wooden airplane.

Another quote from Maria Montessori expresses the same:  “Education at the beginning of life could really change the current and future society.”  In the last two quotes  children are seen as builders of new realities  and education is defined as the instrument that makes great change possible.

The physical and the spiritual world

An important part of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical methods is the support of the child in dealing with their reality. The child should not only observe, but also come into contact with the world. We need to encourage children to explore and learn from experience. Maria Montessori did not make a great difference between the physical and the spiritual world. On the contrary, she found that the two complement each other perfectly. This is also contained in this sentence:  “If we determine that the physical world is on one side and the spiritual world on the other, then we break a cycle and the actions of man remain spiritless.”

For Maria Montessori, education was an essential process. Just shaping the mind is not a good thing, she said. Instead, we should shape individuals. That is why teaching is not just about imparting knowledge. It is also about ethics, respect and love. This quote explains the big difference between education and strict instructions:  “The best instruction is one that uses as few words as possible.”

A teacher looks at two students.

One of the most beautiful quotes from Maria Montessori is:  “If you criticize a child too often, they will learn to judge others. If you praise it regularly, it will learn to appreciate. ”  This clear appreciation tells us that  the child is doing what the adult has taught him to do.

The Montessori method is a remarkable form of education. Their worth is immeasurable. Almost a century after it was created, it is still in force. And it will stay that way because  it was created with sensitivity and breathtaking purity.

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