If An Animal Goes From You, It Never Leaves You Completely

When an animal goes away from you, it never leaves you entirely

When an animal goes away from you, it never leaves you entirely.   Memories of all the moments and experiences that united you keep popping up in your head. Memories of walks in the park. On group outings. The joy with which it received you when you came home. Familiarity. In complicity and support. On winter evenings under a blanket with a book.

Memories of the beginning come to mind. Perhaps the hard part was getting used to it. The first embarrassed steps as a partner. The first exits. The first caresses. The first pranks. The first annoyances.

Every beginning is difficult. Your whole environment triggers memories and you keep thinking about how things could have been different. Someone tells you that it is best to find a new companion, but the idea seems absurd to you. Nobody can take this place.

When an animal goes away from you, it never leaves you entirely.  This memory of the loved one with whom you have shared joys, sorrow and grief remains in your heart. Never stop reminding yourself that maybe one day it will be the last. The last smile. The last hug. The final tenderness. The last day that will bring you a look from this loyal and loyal friend.

Grief is not a good companion

The grief is enormous and you think that you will never be able to overcome it. But one fine day the sun rises and you notice that the memory is still there, but it doesn’t hurt that much anymore. The pain is bearable. The memory is infinite.

colorful dog

When someone leaves you, they never leave you entirely.   Because he remains part of the family. Of your life. Maybe he accompanied you in your early years and shared your first bad experiences, your first job, your first kiss with you.

Maybe some people can’t understand why you feel this way. In the end, he wasn’t human. But you know that he only had to learn to speak to become human. But you didn’t need a spoken language to understand each other. Because you had a code that didn’t need words. Because he felt, thought and acted better than many a person you know.

Be that as it may, the wheel of life never stops turning. You have to go on. So if an animal goes away from you , it doesn’t leave you entirely. You will always be able to feel the teaching that it conveys to you and the unconditional love that it has offered you.

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