What Can We Do To Fall Asleep Better?

What can we do to get better sleep?

There are nights when we just can’t sleep as much as we want. We are exhausted and insanely tired, but we simply cannot sleep. We then roll over from one side to the other. Every time we look at the clock, we see that the time we set our alarm clock is getting closer and we know that that night – for whatever reason – we will not sleep.

We get more and more nervous: “I won’t sleep at all today”, “Tomorrow I won’t reach my goal at work”, “I still have a thousand things to do”, “The day tomorrow will be horrific”. All of these thoughts throw us into a vortex of worry that is very difficult to get out of. What can we do to fall asleep? Read on and you will get an answer to this question!

“I lay down, but I couldn’t sleep. Two passions, love and hate, kept me awake. “

Jan Potocki

What is it around us that is keeping us from falling asleep?

First of all, we need to become aware of certain factors in our environment that make it impossible for us to find sleep when we try to fall asleep, such as when a lot of traffic noise comes in from the outside, the room temperature is not appropriate for the bedroom to be closed is bright, etc. Once we are clear about this, we can address the problem.

How can we encourage falling asleep? On the one hand, to reduce noise, we can put more furniture in the room, insulate the door and hang fabric curtains or put cork on the floor. On the other hand, warm room colors are more beneficial and it should be aired every day. The ideal temperature should be around 20-22ºC, and if it is below that, unless other circumstances prevent it, it is advisable to sleep with the door half open to allow air to circulate.

It is also better not to sleep with plants in the bedroom as they use up the oxygen present in the room. It is also good to have a bed that is not too small so that we can move around during the night. The mattress should be of good quality. There is even an English slogan that says that we should invest in a good mattress and good shoes because we spend more than 2/3 of our life on them.

Instead of sleeping with too many blankets, it is more advisable to use a duvet that is lighter and allows for better perspiration. As for pillows in bed, it is better not to sleep on pillows that are too thick, so that the neck does not become too strained.


Which habits help us fall asleep?

Just as there are factors in our environment that deprive us of our sleep, our lifestyle also significantly influences our sleep. How and what we eat, whether we exercise or not, or the consumption of stimulating substances such as caffeine play a crucial role. These habits are known as sleeping habits.

“Sleep doesn’t like to be in a rush.”

Fernando de Rojas

What can we do about this? It is a good habit to exercise daily, but be careful here! Exercising before bed is counterproductive. With regard to food, it is better to choose a light dinner and go to bed early so that digestion is finished when we lie down. Also, if we eat foods that are high in calcium and vitamin B, we will fall asleep better because they have a calming effect on us.

We should also avoid consuming chocolate or lots of sugar, as well as stimulating substances such as coffee, tea or cola, before going to bed. It is advisable not to drink alcohol or smoke for several hours before going to bed. It is also not good for us to eat when we wake up in the middle of the night.

What problems arise when we use the bedroom for anything other than sleeping?

There are times when we put into practice everything we have just listed, but we still have trouble falling asleep. This may be because we have other everyday activities in the bedroom that have nothing to do with sleeping. If so, then when we go into the bedroom, we activate our bodies and minds.

If this happens to us, there are a few steps we need to follow. First of all, we should only go to sleep when we are tired and turn off the lights. We should also stop eating, studying or watching TV in the bedroom. In addition, we should not use the bed for anything other than sleeping or intercourse.

“You have to work 8 hours and sleep 8 hours, but these are not the same hours.”

Woody Allen

It is also advisable to develop a set of habits that we will put into action each night that will remind us that we must sleep soon. For example, we should put on our pajamas every day, brush our teeth, close the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed, all in the same order. If we cannot fall asleep within 10 or 15 minutes, it is better to move to another room and do some quiet activity until we get tired.

As soon as that happens, we can go back to bed to sleep and let our brain regain its strength. If we continue to have trouble falling asleep, we should repeat this step as often as necessary. We should also avoid taking an afternoon nap and should always get up at the same time, no matter how long we slept.

Woman in bed with books

All of these behaviors will not be easy at first, but if we try to use them every day, they will become habits that will help us overcome our sleep problems so that we can fall asleep better. In order for us to “function” properly on a physical, psychological and emotional level, a good night’s sleep is essential. Therefore, I invite you to put all of these tips into practice so that you can find restful sleep. Sleep well!

Images courtesy of Nomao Saeki, Krista Mangulsone, and Lacie Slezak.

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