I Want To Be Happy In My Own Way

I want to be happy in my way

We all want to feel good and we all agree on that. When you ask someone what they want to achieve in their life, you basically don’t hear anyone say that they want to be unhappy, sad, or feel like a failure.

We humans want to be happy and we strive to find our own way of being happy .

Despite the fact that we all want to be satisfied with our lives, many of us don’t know how to do it.

Defining the word “happiness” these days is difficult. We live with the contradiction in terms that we should move away from everything unnecessary, but at the same time feel that we don’t have enough to be happy.

Since we all have a different concept of happiness, each of us chases after a concept that we have made the ideal concept of happiness.

In this day and age, happiness has become a myth, reflected in objects that few enrich at the expense of the dissatisfaction of others.

The never-ending quest to “be happy”

A simple search on the internet is enough to reveal the current obsession with the path to happiness.

We come across millions of articles that talk about what to do and what not to do to be happy, what scientists say about happiness, what steps we need to take to be happy, or what advice we should give should follow to get closer to happiness.

Not only are we obsessed with finding it, we want to achieve it in all areas of our lives: in the workplace, in our own life, in our relationship, within the family, every day of our lives.

Everywhere we look for the little pieces that complete our puzzle of happiness.


This search is like a never-ending task because, as it appears, it has become an empty ideal that is impossible to finish.

The current definition of happiness these days has more to do with the romantic love of the Hollywood blockbusters or the quest for the holy grail than with the actual meaning of being happy.

The business of happiness

Corporations and the advertising industry have never been devoid of the needs of their current and potential customers.

Both are looking for unsatisfied needs, and if they don’t exist, they make it their business to create them or invent other new needs in order to bring a product or service to market that will satisfy that need.

Happiness is offered, sold and everyone wants to be happy.

Companies know this and use planned strategies to seek customer confidence and satisfaction.

They play with their emotions to create happiness through consumption.

“Happiness has become another element of consumption, as if it were a product that we can buy for money in a supermarket.”

Ángela Vallvey


It is no coincidence that, for example, the economic crisis in Spain coincided with the enthusiastic sale of happiness. In times of crisis, money is happiness.

The dictatorship of happiness

It is not only the fact that happiness has become a consumer good, but it has also been imposed on us that we have to find it.

We don’t want to be happy anymore, no, we SHOULD be happy, and on the way there we have internalized words that resemble the message: “Whoever wants can”.

But these statements are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they strengthen the optimism and motivation that nothing is impossible or that we will laugh more and complain less, while on the other hand we have the feeling that we should be happy or that we wanted something and couldn’t, so we have to did something wrong.

If we stick to our example of Spain, a country where society as a whole is in crisis, where selling happiness is a sales strategy of many companies, it is always a good idea to remember that we are not always Achieve something, however hard we try, without forgetting that we are not always responsible for not making our dreams come true.

Luck has a lot of roommates

Happiness is a subjective feeling that many others experience. The emotional world of every single person consists of emotions and feelings that range from joy and happiness to sadness and anger.

Every feeling has its task and every single emotion is necessary and has its own function.

Feelings help us to ascribe a value to our experiences, which is why we feel and experience all of our emotions.

“Disney had to come first to show us that anger and suffering are necessary to make us who we are. In the film “Everything is upside down”, the real heroin is sadness, the destruction of the girl’s island of personality, these are the best metaphors we should think about. “

Quique Peinado


And how about you What do you need to be happy

There are no fixed rules for happiness, nor is there such a thing as magical products that can bring you happiness.

Everyone has their own characteristics, different tastes and preferences. What makes one happy can make another extremely unhappy.

We don’t find happiness by buying a T-shirt with a positive message on it.

Neither do we find it when we follow someone else’s plans or fake a smile to look good in a photo.

We find it much easier: it’s about asking yourself the right questions and finding answers to them without using standard texts or products that don’t deliver what they promise.

“Yes, everyone is happy these days. That’s exactly what we five-year-olds say. But wouldn’t you think it would be nice to have the freedom to be happy … and that in a different way, in your way, and not in that of others? “

Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

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