“Love In The Spectrum “: Initiation And Development

The Netflix series “Love on the Spectrum” is about a topic that not many people want to talk about. This interesting series is an opportunity for you to learn more about it.
"Love in the Spectrum": Initiation and Development

Love is one of the most common subjects covered in art. Ultimately, one could say that love takes up its own little space in every human expression. However, the peculiarities of the relationships between minority groups are rarely analyzed and discussed. The new Netflix series Love in the Spectrum is an exception because it deals with autism. This series (original title Love on the Spectrum ) has been running on Netflix since the middle of last year. In today’s article, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about it.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) comprises a range of disorders characterized by a lack of communication skills and a lack of empathy.

With the screening tools available today, professionals can identify this type of disorder early on. This is very good because it allows you to start treatment early and get better results. In addition, the Autism Spectrum Disorder is classified in the developmental disorder category because the symptoms are already present in childhood.

Sheldon Cooper is perhaps one of the most emblematic autistic figures. Viewers can experience their social difficulties in virtually every episode of The Big Bang Theory series . You can see how his friends often take a significant effort to understand his particular way of expressing his thoughts. This could be a good starting point to show you some of the details of the Netflix series Love on the Spectrum .

The first date with “Liebe im Spektrum”

The first myth the series addresses is the fact that people with autism spectrum disorder also want to socialize. While they are very fond of activities on their own, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect with others at all. They want to fall in love, share their life with someone else, and even have an intimate relationship.

However, when others recognize these aspirations, it can often be the first challenge autistic people face. In other words, there is room for love in the way these people understand affection. In fact, throughout the series, you can witness the story of two couples who have already taken the step and live together. However, according to their own statements, this is not an easy path.

What predominates in the series, however, is the illusion of different people with ASD before the possibility of a first date arises. Your shyness and the existing insecurities are quite familiar to the viewer, as they do not differ significantly from those of non-autistic people. In this way you can observe in the series how these encounters take place and the difficulties that individual people are confronted with.


At some points in the docu-reality series Love in the Spectrum , you get insights into sessions in which people with this disorder prepare for a date.

The greeting is the first point to be worked on. In this way, the participants learn how to greet another person, which most participants somehow internalize. That is, it is practiced that one should get up first. In addition, participants learn that they should maintain eye contact during the initial exchange. This aspect is important for the further course of the meeting.

Another skill that is commonly developed is how to keep a conversation going. Therefore , participants are encouraged to make a list of topics and questions they would like to ask.

Love in the spectrum - two people

Love on the spectrum:  the development of the relationship

After that, they have to move to a higher level. In this way, the conversation changes from a mere questioning to an actual conversation in which both parties participate. A conversation that is less likely to intimidate the other person. Therefore, they work on strategies to move away from a single question or from questions that arise from an unplanned answer.

In all cases, the experts try to convey to the autistic that the date and the conversation are flexible. This flexibility implies that they should not be too direct or ask personal questions. They also explain to participants that these questions are on another level of intimacy. A level that you still have to reach with your potential partner. As a viewer, you can clearly see that this aspect is particularly difficult for those affected to understand and implement.

Therefore, the experts try to give the participants an idea that they would certainly have given every other person for the first date. It’s about the fact that you have to be willing to learn something in order to have an interesting conversation. That is why it is so important for people in the spectrum to not only meet people who share their interests, but also strangers with whom they first have to find a common ground.

Final Notes on “Love on the Spectrum”

The series is worth it. The very fact that this is such a bold project makes love worth seeing on the spectrum . In addition, one of the strengths of this series lies in its sincerity and authenticity. It shows that it is possible to be autistic and have a relationship. Although this is a goal that is not easy to achieve.

In fact, the viewer in this series sees that most dates don’t end well. But the viewer is not only witnessing the associated emotional effects. In addition, you can also see how people relax and learn about second chances.

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