The Best Solution Is Often Not The Most Convenient

The safest and most convenient way is often not the best solution. Although this minimizes your risks, it also reduces the chance that you can learn something.
The best solution is often not the most convenient

There are many situations in life when we try to find the best solution to our problems. It may well happen that we behave in a way that creates further problems for us. Maybe you are staying too much in your comfort zone?  When you do this, you are living your life avoiding entering uncharted territory because new paths frighten you.

The problem is that people often stay in their comfort zone when they are not satisfied with their life. The best lifestyle often does not align with our important life goals or values.

There are also many different expectations or values ​​in our society. It feels like something is holding us back and not allowing us to bypass the one obstacle that seems impossible to overcome.

Convenience, the lesser of the two evils, is not the best solution

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Therefore, for example, we remain in relationships that contribute little to our personal growth or well-being. We tend to remain in familiar situations even if they are harmful or dangerous to us.

In addition , we often keep jobs that are far below our capabilities and therefore of no use to us at all. We make all these decisions because stepping into something new and unknown would also involve taking on more responsibility. For these reasons, we come to the conclusion that the best solution is to be satisfied with the ordinary and familiar.

The familiar is usually also the most comfortable. However, this convenience is very overrated. Comfort is not always synonymous with well-being or peace of mind. The abyss and threat that we associate with stepping out of our comfort zone and breaking new ground seem so great that we still prefer to keep our suffering going. In the end, we only achieve one thing: we will experience more intense and longer suffering.

Comfort and convenience seem to be very important aspects for us humans. Of course, a comfortable and familiar life gives us a sense of control over our lives. This in turn reduces our fears.

If we were to experience new situations every day without knowing whether they are helpful or harmful to us, then we would probably die from this immense stress. Hence, it is highly recommended to have some level of comfort and convenience in life.

When does convenience become a problem?

But when exactly does this convenience become a problem? Exactly at the moment when we consciously decide to do it. When we’re not as comfortable as we’d like to. Then our current situation is exactly what we are familiar with. We move in our familiar environment and know exactly how to behave.

At the same time , we then also believe that we have no control over what happens to us, even if we know deep down that this is not true. First of all, because there are few things that we can really influence other than ourselves.

In addition, what seems pleasant and comfortable to us is not as pleasant and comfortable as it may appear. If you don’t believe this, then ask yourself the following questions: Are you really happy with your life? Do you enjoy it to the fullest?

You may well be able to cope with it very well for a period of time if you carry on with your life exactly as you are already doing. However, you should also think twice about how your life will feel when you look back at it. How does it look? Are you still in the same place, in the same situation that you’ve been in for so long? Do you feel like something is wrong?

Maybe you are trapped in your comfort zone. You feel like you are climbing a ladder that will lead you to an abyss. You fall down and then walk the same arduous path that you walked before. Yes, this cycle may be familiar and comfortable, but is this behavior really the best way to go? As you already know, the best solution is not always the easiest or the most convenient.

The fear of the unknown

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Our fear of uncomfortable or unknown situations that we cannot control or the fear that we could have negative experiences as a result, often prevents us from treading new paths and trying new things.

Our society is responsible for putting enough pressure on us to be happy. It also teaches us to minimize our struggles. Therefore, we are convinced that negative feelings are a sign of weakness. We demonize them and try to avoid them at all costs. Therefore, many people have adopted the widespread life motto for themselves that they must always think positively at all times; At the same time, we then flee from anything that could lead to laziness, discomfort, sadness, feelings of guilt, etc.

Unsurprisingly, this creates a permanent feeling of dissatisfaction. You have the persistent feeling that you are missing something. This feeling arises because you are only thinking about what is happening today. You strive to maintain the current state without thinking that your life could be a lot better tomorrow.

If you want to change and improve your life, you have to overcome a number of obstacles and challenges. And this route is inconvenient in most cases. However, it is usually the best solution and the only way you can make a change. At the same time, you should also make sure to maintain a certain balance when making changes. It’s not about changing everything at once and instantly.

How do you find the best solution?

If you want to break new ground, you should first make a precise plan and implement it intelligently. It’s also important that you strike a balance between the good and the bad. Go the way cautiously and allow yourself to say “enough is enough” and slowly overcome your unfounded fears.

You will learn that all of the great fears you have before taking the first step towards change will mostly not turn out in the end in the way you feared it would. And if your fears prove to be true, then they will not frighten you as much as you feared before. Always remember that your thoughts control all of these fears of change, and often make them seem bigger than they really are.

So, in summary, we can say that the best solution is mostly not the most convenient and easiest way. Instead, the path is uncomfortable and uncertain. Therefore, you should repeat the following mantra to yourself over and over again:

“Here I am and whatever happens to me, I’ll do the best I can. I will cry when it is required and I feel like it. And when I get there, I’ll laugh. “

In this way, you will learn to accept what is happening to you in life. And through this you will be able to learn new things and have new experiences.

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