3 Nostalgic Films That Make You Happy And Hurt

3 nostalgic films that make you happy and hurt

Some love relationships still shape our lives , even if they ended a long time ago. This imprint is so strong that the feelings we experienced back then still linger in us, in the form of nostalgia. This nostalgia affects what we expect, need, and avoid in current and future relationships.

Many films show this type of feeling and therefore can be called nostalgic films. And these stories that we follow on the screen allow us to relive these feelings that lie dormant within us. There are various stimuli – looks, sounds and situations – that awaken in us what makes us both happy and painful at the same time.

We are going to recommend three films in this article that we can consider nostalgic films. They are for you if you want to remember what can be beautiful and painful all at once – if you want to be nostalgic.

The English patient

Some love films are beautiful, pleasant and simple. Others are all or nothing. Like a gentle brush stroking a knife that represents the most passionate and harmful love at the same time.

That is the theme of the film The English Patient . He shows us the story of two secret lovers who break with tradition. They do this by passionately indulging in the uncertainty of the Mysteries.

“Love is an illusion, a story that you make up and you know all the time that it’s not true. Therefore one always takes care not to destroy the illusion. “

Virginia Woolf

Scene from "The English Patient"

Their love is hot and seems to be spiced with incense, the smell of which reaches us in the form of their tragic fate in the desert. In the story of a man being burned in his own skin, we see that his memories did not take on the bitterness of the ashes.

You are trapped in a dark cave where the man’s many shadows lose power in the light of beauty. Love seems to save him from his pain. And it seems to give him a feeling of security, although he has to face death because he has the certainty that he has experienced true beauty.

Cinema Paradiso

What would happen to lovers of nostalgia and movie theater if  Cinema Paradiso   didn’t exist? It would have to be reinvented! Watching Cinema Paradiso  means indulging in the wonderful nostalgia that reminds you of your childhood, especially when it was also full of films: you feel the pure, innocent love of the young townsperson Totó for Elena, while at the same time you feel the beauty of the Italian landscape and music affect you.

We don’t want to pretend that the film is just beautiful and predict a happy ending. It’s hard and even scary to see a man so marked by his first love. A man he was never able to break away from this nostalgia. It’s beautiful and sad at the same time.

Beauty and sadness resonate in all of their kisses. The hidden and criticized kisses are also exciting, even if Totó has to pay a high price for them, namely that of his future happiness.

The bridges at the River

When the first love shapes life forever, a mature love that never becomes passionate, it can be felt all the more nostalgic. It leads you to the question of what you could have had, but then social conventions and your emotional obligations catch up with you.

The Bridges by the River   is a compelling story in which a woman indulges in instinct for the first time in her life without feeling insane. A woman who feels simple, insignificant and irrelevant meets a man “of the world”. A man who realizes that on his travels he may never have felt the feeling that this woman triggers in him. It’s a film that reflects the absurdity of love, relationships, and couples: millions of people are in a partnership and don’t love each other while there are thousands of honest lovers who are single.

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