You Create Your Own Problems

You create your own problems

Life can take many turns. Everything doesn’t always happen the way we want it to, which is basically a good thing. Still, problems often crop up unexpectedly – don’t they? What exactly is a problem? Do you really have as many problems as you think, or are you making life difficult for yourself by perceiving your environment in such a distorted way, as if something was going wrong? Creating problems for yourself is a phenomenon that we often observe, and it can be explained by that distorted perception.

In reality, your attitude determines whether you have a problem and how big it is. It’s the way you evaluate a situation that turns a challenge into a threat. When you accept things for what they are, you can take advantage of the learning and growth opportunities that they offer you. Acceptance is a solution to adversity, is a prerequisite for adapting and starting over when there is no other way or when the price for an alternative is too high.

See your problems as opportunities

Like it or not, like it or not, whether you are ready for it or not, the adversities of life will cross your path at some point. When that time comes you will have many questions. But the most important of all will be what you will do next and how you incorporate what you learn from the situation into your future. In other words, are you going to make the situation a problem or are you going to use it as another opportunity to learn and grow? Will you be one of those people who create problems for themselves, or someone who grows with every challenge?

Flower sprouts from a crack in the asphalt

It is normal to feel pain and worry at first. And it sure is a good idea to take the time to let the pain do its job. If you defend yourself against him, you will only prolong your torments. Pain is a natural feeling and you have to give it space. Once the emotional pain is over, however, the time has come to face the situation.

Regardless of how difficult it can make life, hardship can also be an opportunity to get to know and appreciate yourself better. While this doesn’t change what happened or offer an immediate solution, it does help you improve yourself, which is valuable in and of itself.

“Adversity has the effect of awakening talents who would have slumbered under favorable circumstances.”


Acceptance and adaptation to change

Learning to adapt to new situations, no matter how difficult they are, is the secret to a full and happy life. It may seem difficult, but it is possible. Of course, it’s not enough to just adapt – you also have to be able to accept what has happened. Acceptance is the beginning of every change, whether in your environment or in yourself.

Adjustment doesn’t mean overcoming adversity, it just helps you regain control of yourself. As BernabĂ© Tierno said, you can face anything, but you cannot conquer everything. Only through acceptance can you adapt to every moment of your life and enjoy it to the full.

“Everyone’s life, especially your own, should be characterized by constant acceptance, adaptation and renewal.”

Bernabé Tierno

Learn to accept what you cannot change

“” Said Friedrich Schiller. No matter how uncomfortable the changes are or how difficult the problem seems, learning to deal with them, to accept them, to adapt to the situation, is often the only way to move forward. In this case, any alternative would cost too high a price.

Sleeping woman with flowers

As you learn to accept these changes and adapt to them, you must already face those changes that arise in the meantime because this is the dynamic nature of life. In these cases, your first reaction may be fight or flight, which are innate survival instincts that influence your actions when you feel threatened. But when you can mentally adapt to a situation, new paths suddenly open up. People who can accept change and adapt to it are able to walk those paths and make good decisions based on the changed situation.

Instead of complaining about what you don’t have, enjoy what you have

If you let adversity take away your zest for life and let fear of loss overwhelm you, then you will run into a lot of problems. Problems that weigh heavily on you and hold you back.

But difficult situations don’t have to end in disappointment. They don’t have to be the end of your hopes and dreams. With courage and optimism you can discover new opportunities that open up to everyone again and again. Your limitations are not set limits. There are still many paths waiting to be explored – and some of these paths will surely lead you beyond your previous limits.

It might be tempting to just lie where you are when trouble arises. This is the most convenient way. You can lament the loss, failure, or illness, but don’t make this dark room your home. Because you still have so many options that can fill your life. To take advantage of these opportunities, you need to accept the changes that have occurred and use them as a starting point to begin adapting to the new situation.

“Anyone who has a reason to live can endure almost anything.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

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