You Are Angry And Don’t Know Why

You are angry and you don't know why

It is a feeling of anger that can be seen in your mood, but also expressed through your body. You are angry. You get hot and you feel a certain heaviness in your head. It is also possible that you may feel some tension in your throat and some pressure on your chest. It’s the anger that comes over you and sometimes you don’t even know why.

When anger is triggered by a certain stimulating factor, such as an insult or an uncomfortable situation, it is much easier to know what to do about it. You have a choice of either starting an argument, swallowing what happened and just letting it go by, or working it out in a civilized way. However, if the anger is not directed towards something or someone in particular, but simply anger dominates your whole emotional world, then it is much more difficult to bring it under control.

Basically, anger is also a positive emotion, as it allows you to resist circumstances that are frustrating or threatening for you. It is simply a defense or attack response by which a person asserts himself. However, when your feeling evolves into numb and constant anger, when it turns into constant irritation, and you explode over insignificant events, it becomes necessary to take a closer look at what’s going on with you.

The anger that persists and continues to recharge

We all know people who seem angry all the time. She is perceived as being tense and very worried every day, regardless of whether good or bad is going on around her. They seem immune to what is happening around them because they just stay angry. They are said to be like a spark and the slightest push will start a major fire.


What is going on in these people who are angry but cannot tell why? Generally speaking, these are individuals with a misconception: They believe that conflict is a good way to achieve one’s goals. How difficult it is for them to understand those who think or act differently from them. This makes them angry and they accuse others of not doing things the way they think they should or how they should do it, whether they are right or not.

For the chronic angry oaks there is only one way of life, one way of feeling and one way of thinking: and that is the one that they themselves describe as “right”. They feel that they always react with anger when they “catch” someone doing something that “is not their right”. They cannot endure the feeling of chaos in the world because they, probably, feel a constant chaos inside themselves, which they can only endure through their psychological control.

They are usually also people who have difficulty expressing their emotions. Often times they suppress what is inside them and find no other way of expressing it than through a burst of anger. This emotion gives them the impetus they need to say what they have been silent about until now. Therefore, their words are overloaded and almost always represent an exaggerated or overly extreme vision of a situation.

A monster that in the end eats up its creator

There are times when anger can be an organizing factor that sets limits and prevents bigger problems. A good truth that is told in good time and without make-up is sometimes the point on the i and can stop a dangerous situation.

It would be ideal if we always had enough control to say everything with accuracy and measure. But this is not always the case, our instinctive and emotional brain is much older than its rational part and we cannot avoid it from taking over control at times. In principle, this is even good so that those around us notice that we also have a character.


But in the case of constant irritation, instead of creating a healthy situation, a dynamic can be triggered that ultimately attacks the well-being of the angry self. What he wants is order, “rectification of conditions,” or whatever he may call it. But what he gets with his screaming and inappropriate demands is exactly the opposite: more disorder, more mistakes and fewer solutions.

These people manage to create tension and conflict in all of their relationships. Sooner or later you always get back what you hand out. So it is very likely that the angry self will become a victim of his own invention. The others become more demanding and intolerant of him and have a negative attitude towards him from the start. He becomes someone who infuriates others, who is always up for riot, who cannot stand himself.

Often this constant irritability is also accompanied by depression and nervousness. Sadness arises from frustration, which in turn arises from the feeling of powerlessness in not getting everything to work the way you want. For the same reason, he becomes nervous, compounded by all the conflicts that this person is involved in.

In the end, these behaviors are nothing more than a form of missing out on the best in life. It is clear that those who are constantly angry, who do not know why something is constantly blocking them, need more than just a new task. This person needs professional help.


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