This Short Film Makes You Think About Love

This short film makes you think about love

What happens when love suddenly comes into our lives? What happens to our hobbies and habits? Should we allow ourselves to lose interest in them because our focus is now on that object of desire?

Each of us has a range of talents and interests that will crystallize over the course of our lives. Some love music, are talented singers or guitar players, others read or write books or run faster than we can imagine. There are also those who enjoy dancing or walking … A universe of possibilities lies ahead of us and we can choose what we like best.

And then love. And with it the meeting of two different worlds that attract each other as strongly as love is.  How can these two realities be brought together without causing collateral damage? What can we do? Do we have to choose between staying true to ourselves and accommodating our partner?

Today we tell you about a short film that brings you closer to this topic.

“The balance lies in being able to respect yourself and others.”

It may be that it happens to you just like the main character in Chicken or the Egg   and that you enjoy pursuing a certain hobby. You love this so much that your everyday life doesn’t make sense if you can’t devote yourself to it. Your routine is shaped by your passion, without which your life is unimaginable.

Love blinds us to reality

But suddenly love comes into your life without notice and shakes the foundations of your world vigorously. In the center of your attention is now the loved one who, without doing this consciously, throws all your habits overboard, but offers you something completely new and wonderful that you can experience together: love. Together you will experience a story full of chapters, wonderful experiences and incomparable moments.

As a prisoner of desire, your everyday life changes a lot. Perhaps you don’t devote so much time to what you once liked, or you’ve even forgotten,  because one of the consequences of falling in love is that our thoughts are constantly focused on the other person and the desire to to spend more time with her, straighten out. Stay true to yourself? This question usually does not arise in this phase.

It takes two for love, but one should still be true to oneself

Love confuses everything, as we idealize the partner and dream of the many experiences in which everything appears wonderful. But we have to be careful and get out of this fair weather cloud, otherwise a hard landing threatens in reality.

Chicken and egg alone in the cinema

Not idealizing is almost impossible when we are prisoners of being in love, but caution should be exercised if this condition persists for long periods of time. Because the day you realize that the other person is not perfect as you thought, frustration and disappointment can be overwhelming.

Another aspect to consider is that when love comes into our lives, we shouldn’t try to be who we are not. In a relationship, you have to be authentic and true to yourself. You must not stop being who you are just to please another person, otherwise you will commit double betrayal: the first and more important is that of yourself and the second that of the other person.

In love, what makes you shine is your authenticity, which you convey through looks. Your partner has to see your light, but also your darker side … in order to later be able to walk hand in hand along the path that opens up in front of you. The most important thing is to be true to yourself, to stay the one that the partner was attracted to from the start.

In the short film it seems that the main character is not aware of this principle, and he does exactly the opposite: he gives up his passion in order to make his partner happy. And you? How far would you go for love

In love, empathy also counts

If we take a moment to reflect on love, we may be able to revise our first impression of the short film and relate it to the power of empathy in a relationship.

Empathy in a partnership is a powerful ally of both parties that strengthens the relationship.

Showing empathy towards our significant other allows us to perceive their emotional world and to understand how they feel at certain moments. This can help us decide how to communicate and behave in order to support him.

Putting ourselves in our partner’s shoes will strengthen our connection with them. Like in this short film, in which the hen becomes very sad when she notices that the person sitting next to her is eating eggs because these are the origin of herself. And without hesitation, just with a small gesture, he curbs his appetite and decides to stop indulging in his passion so that she doesn’t feel hurt.

Relationships are complicated, but that doesn’t make them any less beautiful.  The most important thing is to grow together without giving up on yourself,  to remain flexible and not too demanding, but also not submissive.

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