I Never Turn My Back On The World, I Face Every Situation And Every Person

I never turn my back on the world, I face every situation and every person

In this world where so many turn their backs on it, we need people to face it, face to face, without fear and without hesitation. So if you want to stand up to someone, it is better to do so without stuttering and with a certain and calm demeanor from someone who knows when to say, “Enough.”   It is these people who are not each other fear of setting limits to what they disagree with or which can shake their balance.

We all know that few elements in human relationships are as important as the recognition of the other. Thanks to this interaction, this almost always meaningful and authentic confrontation, we exist, learn and grow as humans. However, if a particular connection is damaging us and causing us to be unhappy, it is also necessary to “recognize” it and respond instead of fleeing and turning your back on the problem.

“The real conflict does not take place between good and evil, but between knowledge and ignorance.”


What we must not forget here is the fact that it is always better to lose a relationship with someone than to put your own health at risk. In order to break away from this connection or problematic relationship, we should act mature, coherently, and with appropriate Emotional Intelligence. Because if you simply decide to turn your back on someone, you do so because you don’t know how to meet you face to face.

In order to deal with these types of situations, we need to acquire the necessary skills. As a result, we will feel more competent and satisfied and can enjoy a better quality of life and better mental health.


Make a decision not to turn your back on anything or anyone and rather to act intelligently

If we think about it, we live in a terrifying world full of people who are used to simply turning their backs on what surrounds them. Sometimes they do this with no ill intent. It is simply a question of the ego, this invented identity that we create over time, until one day we find ourselves on this lonely island, where all that matters to us is what is within the boundaries of our little psychological and emotional ones Prison Cell is playing.

Perhaps that is precisely why a person who is not used to being compassionate and appreciative of those they love also does not know how to deal with their conflicts properly. Because if we don’t like something, it doesn’t help us to run away or react childishly and just pretend that someone who doesn’t appeal to you, who has a different attitude or simply disagrees, is invisible.

We have to look problems and conflicts in the eyes, because our existence is ultimately not a smooth path without stumbling blocks and also not a sterile environment in which we are immune to other opinions or confrontations. Every now and then it’s not just an insult that bothers us. It is also the way we ourselves react to what happens to us. So when we respond to such situations with maturity and emotional intelligence, it gives us the opportunity to develop a stronger, more assertive and enriching self-image.


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Learn to deal with your confrontations and conflicts

We are enthusiastic about people who get involved, who take sides, who speak out and have an opinion on something and also dare to defend it. This vital energy is related to an almost magical obligation to oneself. Because nobody with a good self-esteem hides or turns their back on a situation, but asserts themselves in order to clearly formulate what they disagree with and why.

“Your attitude towards things is what really makes the difference in life.”

Winston Churchill

Advice on how to face situations that bother you

Gestalt therapy is always a useful strategy for dealing with these types of situations. The holistic view allows us to rediscover such important principles as personal responsibility, honesty and respect for ourselves.

Let’s think about the following pieces of advice:

  • Focus on the here and now when facing a conflict. It doesn’t matter whether that person or this particular situation has thrown you off your balance in the past and stole your happiness. If you feel a strong displeasure now or take it as a big insult, respond. The pain felt in the present does not accept conditional sentences: “It may be that this is only a temporary situation and if I can endure it a little longer, then it may happen …”
  • Keep calm in every moment. Anger is a wild horse that takes us to places we don’t even want to go. Whoever turns his back on a situation or a person flees, acts guided by fear or cowardice. Those who react angrily and contemptuously do not always achieve the well-being that they are hoping for. Those who, in return, are brave and respond in an emotionally intelligent manner, have learned to build an oasis of calm in their mind to face something, to respond with serenity, without reacting with aggression or contempt.
  • You have to assert yourself. You should be clear about what bothers you and what you cannot tolerate. If you keep talking about the bush, you give your counterpart the chance to come up with something new so that you can overstep the other person’s personal boundaries over and over again. If you don’t get to the heart of what you dislike and choose to act rather cautious, it is possible that you will be attacked and insulted again.

In summary, we can say that in this world where too many others turn our backs, we have to learn to always face people or situations – be it to induce silence or to hold our heads high and wisely.

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Images courtesy of Christian Schloe

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