Opposites Don’t Attract Each Other For A Long Time

Opposites don't attract each other for long

There is a wrong belief that opposites attract, or, what is the same, that entirely different pairs work, complement each other, and please each other the most. What I am missing will be completed by you and vice versa.

What we perceive as new or different can certainly attract us very strongly at first, because we humans tend to be very curious, but from here to a love relationship between two very different people lies a world. Although, of course, you can never say that it couldn’t be possible.

When we think about what kind of friends we have chosen, we have usually gotten to know people better who more or less share the same interests and goals with us, who have very similar passions and tastes, which makes the connection across Time has been preserved.

Love relationships are not that different from friendships. Personally, I think couples, besides being lovers, should be very good joys. First of all, because they can enjoy their life together so much more and the relationship is enriched so much. Second, when the limited time of initial passion is over, the friendship that unites them will strengthen the relationship and make it more lasting.
Couple on sofa
  • . It is much more difficult to show compassion for very dissimilar people than it is to do it with similar people. Getting inside the head of someone we disagree with at all is complicated and often frustrating. Obviously, this creates a lot of difficulties for the couple, as understanding of the other is fundamental to any relationship.
  • . If one is organized and tidy and the other is messy and messy, then sooner or later problems will arise. At the beginning it may be funny and a reason to joke, but in the end it shakes our coexistence. The same thing happens with couples who have different interests.

This is not to say that it is not also extremely important that each member have their own space and do things outside of the relationship. This is healthy and good for the couple, but as with anything, there should be a limit.

  • : If we are not similar in anything, then logically we start to get bored with each other, as it will be difficult for us to share our tastes, hobbies, music, books, films and we will not have a good time together. The moment will come when we hardly have any common topics to talk about, we will no longer know what to talk about with the other.
  • : This is closely related to what we just said about boredom. Actually, it’s the consequence of that. In the end, the relationship becomes so boring and uninteresting that we prefer to go our own way and approach other people who are similar to us, with whom we can have fun because we share things that make us satisfied and happy .
  • : How can two people raise their children in a healthy way when they have very different values ​​and upbringing? Upbringing is doomed to fail. There can be too much argument as each member will try to convince the other how best to do it while the children lose their course at the same time.

According to this, different people may at first be attracted to each other for the fascination of the new, which is a powerful aphrodisiac, but in the long run studies show that very opposing couples end up breaking up as more problems than benefits arise.

Images courtesy of Anita Mejía

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