What It Means To Be A Mother

What it means to be a mother

“You will teach to fly, but they will not fly your flight.
They will teach you to dream, but they will not dream your dream.
You will teach to live, but they will not live your life.
Nevertheless, in every flight, in every life, in every dream there will always be an imprint of the learned path. “

Holy Mother Teresa from Calcutta

Being a mother doesn’t just mean changing diapers, warming bottles or arguing with the puree. That’s just the beginning. This is only the moment when a mother realizes that she is capable of doing anything for a world that she has given life to. This world is their child in which there are millions of dreams.

To be a mother means changing your life, your time and the way you think, for your children. It means giving all your heart and using all your strength to move your children forward and show them how to live.

It means having a reason to exist until the end of your life. It means making the most of every moment and wringing it out, as well as having opposing feelings as you watch your children grow. You feel happiness and nostalgia as they walk through life with giant strides.

If there is one love that we can call sincere, it is a mother’s sincere love,  a love that also lasts forever and ever. In reality, being a mother also involves following the steps of these little masters, that is, those of the children, until they are grown up. Indeed, with their very existence and without knowing it, children teach mothers how to love unconditionally.

His mother,  that is, never to be alone in his thoughts,  because a mother always thinks twice: for their children and for themselves. A mother feels extremely happy knowing that  her children are the greatest treasure she could ever find.

Motherhood does not mean that you always smile, but also that you cry seas sometimes. It requires many sleepless nights in which you hug the pillow tightly and melt into it. It involves endless worries, running after the children for hours. Being a mother takes days, months and years in which you invent hundreds of ways to hide the vegetables and fish in your food. You also have to be able to endure arguments and it takes all the patience in the world to tolerate the infinity of nonsense that life has in store.


What a mother does for her children

It hurts a mother more than anyone else   to say “no” to her children , to challenge them, measure their strengths, watch them fall, see them give up their dreams or let their capacities fall. But she knows the importance of boundaries and wants her children to learn them.

A mother cannot live exclusively for her children, but she tries to share with them as much as possible. That is why a mother tries every day to sew huge, light wings that allow her children to fly very high.

A mother wants her children to be always well in life, but she also wants thunderstorms to occur and them to learn to sail in stormy seas. She knows that her children must walk hand in hand with their demons, free themselves from burdens, and trip over the same stone a thousand times.

Mothers see their children’s mistakes better than anyone, but still accept them and never hide them. They can tell when their children are not doing well by just looking at them, because mothers  are the best experts at sensing feelings.

Plus, they live their guilt with the greatest horror known, because feeling guilty and responsible for the problems of the person you love most is extremely painful. Because of this, a mother carries too much burden on her back. Perhaps it is a heroic act, but above all, it is a generous one.

A mother may not become a brave person by sacrificing her goals, desires, or life for her children, but it does make her the most  persistent and generous person in the world.

The nights when their children wake up with a fever, face the world and overcome all fears; Advancing their children and protecting them from everything, that is what makes mothers the  best example of courage and love .

Because mothers are the strongest people in the world, because their weakness is their strength and this will always be the love for those who let their hearts beat anew every day and give their love for life.

Images courtesy of Analia Heredia Celayes and Carla Pott

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