Do You Have To Live In A Committed Relationship?

Do you have to live in a committed relationship?

“Sometimes we confuse the desire to be alone with the need to be with the right person.”

Francesc Miralles

A steady relationship is based on mutual respect, offers a lot of satisfaction, generates great well-being and can give us strong support. Personal development takes place together and both learn something unique and beautiful.

What if someone doesn’t have a committed relationship or doesn’t want to have one?

“People who live in satisfying and stable relationships are balanced beings. They are not looking for someone to “fill a void”. They recognize their own worth. “

Andrew Matthews

This is a very personal opinion as there are many people who have other priorities in their lives than a steady relationship, which is perfectly fine. For such people, a partner could also be at conflict with their lifestyle and that is why they choose to live alone.

Being a couple is a decision that is not mandatory as it depends on what each individual wants in their life. You can live without a partner without any problems, as our personal appreciation and satisfaction does not depend on whether you are alone or as a couple.

The kind of relationship we have says a lot about ourselves, about our insecurities, vulnerabilities and fears. Do we need the other?

Sometimes it seems like we are entering into the same type of partnership over and over again, even though it makes us feel dissatisfied every time. This doesn’t happen by chance, it has a lot to do with the fact that we have yet to learn how to have a healthy relationship.

What is a healthy relationship?

Often we develop a relationship with someone who gives us little, which in turn can fill us with unhappiness, bitterness and dissatisfaction.

The experience of experiencing love in a committed relationship is a mutual maturation path in which we learn a lot about ourselves and share our preferences, passions and pleasures. As well as our difficulties, fears and shortcomings that come to light when we open ourselves up to the person we want to be emotionally with. This is how we show our most intimate sides that we normally don’t bring up.

A partnership ceases to be healthy when it becomes a necessity, an emotional addiction and we begin to seek our own worth in the other person. This type of bond can be very harmful.

With or without a partner, the most important thing is to love, appreciate, and respect yourself first.  In this way, whether one wants to be in a relationship or not, we can develop satisfactory, emotional bonds with others, as these are the cornerstones of a healthy relationship.

Ultimately, building an emotional bond with other people is about feeling good about yourself. Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish whether it is a felt need to achieve this well-being through someone else or whether it is about sharing it.

A healthy relationship requires acceptance in order to be able to share what we are with another person in a common space, which in turn gives us the right to enjoy our own space.

Why do you always think you have to be in a relationship?

Being in a committed relationship is one of the most common things in our society, or at least we are led to believe it. This is what the media, literature and our parents tell us.

You probably have more than one person in your family who asks you more often – And do you have a boyfriend? – and have done so since you were a child. Dating can so easily become a must and make us feel bad when we don’t have a partner.

This notion is also introduced in films and fairy tales in which romantic love is given a large role, presented by the princes and princesses, the idea of ​​the existence of a better half and the notion that one has to suffer for love. All of these common myths appear in our minds as follows: You should have a steady relationship in order to be happy.

Both marriage and committed relationships have established themselves in our culture as the fundamental core of the organization of our community. Even so, there are many people who choose not to be in a committed relationship, be it for a period of time or for the rest of their lives.

The most important aspect of this question is knowing that partnership is a choice, not a necessity. The moment it becomes a necessity, the dependency, conformity, and desire for possession also arise, so that in this way we develop a relationship based on desperation.

“Knowing how to find a place for love in our life and how to find a place for ourselves in love requires a lot of personal development work so as not to confuse love with something else: possession, pressure , Dissolution, etc. If you develop the art of loving every day, it means that you understand love as an art: the art of sharing, harmony, creation. “

Fina Sanz

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