The Destructive Power Of Underestimation

The destructive power of underestimation

Think about it for a moment. How many “no” have you seen in your life? Sure, some hurt you more than others, but if you are a brave person, each one will have been nothing more than another wall to tear down to get to your destination.

It is also possible that many people around you have underestimated you. In general, it is a common practice that happens without many arguments of reason, and although we know this, it is nonetheless behaviors that hurt us and convince us so much that we are truly incapable of doing certain things because of the underestimation.

In our everyday life we ​​not only have to face these value judgments that others make about us, but we also have to be aware that we too underestimate ourselves and that there are few things that can be more destructive.

The modesty and the underestimation

Many of us have been brought up in a healthy virtue of humility, by appreciating the importance of the simple things, by being grateful, by not showing off our successes. However, one must consider that this educational principle can sometimes deviate to the extreme, which is then no longer positive.

There are people who think that modesty is limited to hiding our virtues in favor of those of others. We do without, are undemanding and hide our ego from everything else. It seems strange to see some people today who have hidden their talents or achievements because of the iron value of their upbringing and thereby limited personal growth because they underestimated themselves.

If you think you can go further than the others, you can sometimes clash with the idea that we are “boasting about ourselves too much”. If we express our wishes out loud, we can come up against the limits set by others and judge that we are sometimes too proud to strive for these “excessive” climaxes.

But … why shouldn’t we try? Sometimes you fail to fully understand that being humble also means knowing your limits and knowing where we are, what we have and what we are striving for. And no one, absolutely no one, has the right to set these limits for us and clip our wings.

If they aren’t listening to you, don’t talk to them. If they don’t believe in you, focus all of your energy on believing in yourself. Acting this way doesn’t mean being proud or arrogant, not at all. It just means to be a person of integrity with your own ideas.

The most common forms of underestimation

It is important to keep these simple aspects in mind to understand the moments when you are underestimating yourself. You will likely find that these are things that we have all done in certain situations, so take note of this and remember:

It’s a risk. If you value and pay attention to the opinions of your family, friends or your partner more than your own ideas and feelings, it is a clear sign of personal underestimation that you should counteract. Don’t always try to please others, please, and never contradict them. Feel your own values ​​and act in accordance with them.

You are you. What the others have done or achieved remains outside of your personal sphere. It doesn’t matter and shouldn’t be used as a guide. All you have to do is listen to yourself and take care of yourself in order to provide you with the best support and build your confidence.

Stop for a moment to consider how you are feeling around your social circle. Do the people around you support you? Are they listening to you Always develop healthy relationships that allow you to be yourself, that offer you a high quality of life, and that promote your growth as a person.

Making yourself your own priority in your life doesn’t mean being selfish. If you are not happy in the right moments, you will find it difficult to give the best of yourself to others. Frustration and dissatisfaction are dimensions that reduce our self-esteem and fill us with negative feelings. They are aspects that clearly affect all of our interpersonal relationships.

Appreciate yourself as you deserve and avoid any kind of personal underestimation because no one will believe in you if you don’t do it first. Let the light into your life, show your strength and your talents, go through high points and reach for the stars if you really want to. Nobody should stop you.

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