Excuses – 4 Crucial Stumbling Blocks On The Way To Your Goal

Excuses - 4 crucial stumbling blocks on the way to your goal

“I’ll do it tomorrow.” – “I have no time.” – “I can not do that very good.”   – You have surely said all these sentences at some point in your life and you have set yourself quite a few stumbling blocks in and on the way to your goal.

The engine of our life are the goals we want to achieve and the dreams we want to fulfill. It seems that those who have no goals in mind cannot continue to exist on this planet. But due to our fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, wrong self-perception  or ignorance , the goal often remains just a dream or a plan.

At that moment, we begin to find excuses for achieving our goals. Not everyone has the same excuses, because as the saying goes: Everyone is a world, but people can react similarly in similar situations. Perhaps you’ve never said or thought exactly the same sentence before, but you definitely have something similar and the thought behind it was the same.

It doesn’t matter what your goal is and how difficult it is to achieve, or what you can do to make it not just a dream or wishful thinking – the important thing is that you break away from excuses and excuses and focus on to achieve your goal.

The most common excuses that keep you from getting ahead

“I have no time.”   That is the phrase that will shape the 21st century. Everything is so fast-paced and we don’t even have a minute for the most important things in our lives. We live from day to day and enjoy next to nothing. Our pace of life is incredibly fast, everyone will agree with me, but it is also true that we can achieve what we want. Don’t hide behind your excuse that you don’t have time for anything.

Doing what you feel like doing is a matter of priorities. If you have a real passion for something, you will find the time to do it too: you can get up earlier, use faster means of transport, stop working overtime, and so on. Find out how to use your time before using it up for excuses.

“I must save money.”   If you’ve already saved a lot of money for your goal, why not use it too? Yes, it is true that the economic crises, economic and exchange rate fluctuations on the stock market can thwart your plans, but you also cannot hoard all your money and wait for something to happen.

Try to save a small reserve for bad days and use the rest to fulfill your long-awaited dream. You do not know what is tomorrow and what will happen to that money. It is better to deal with it in an intelligent way.

Self protection


“What will the others think?” This argument always haunts our minds and we just have to learn to accept it. W as to keep my parents about it when I hinschmeiße my studies because I do not like this program? What will my in-laws say if I decide to quit my job to look after the children ? How will my friends react if I tell them I started my own business?

You shouldn’t really care what other people think of you. They will always find some reason to criticize you no matter what you do. If you really care that much about what other people think of your choices, talk to the people who are closest to you about them before making your decision. But you still have the last word.

“I don’t have the skills I need.”   Very low self-esteem is a serious problem that prevents us from achieving our dreams. If we don’t believe in ourselves and our abilities, it is impossible to get ahead in life and achieve the goals set. Do not forget that a master has not yet fallen from heaven. You may just lack a little experience, knowledge, or practice, but never tell yourself that you are a no-brainer. Even if everything goes wrong or you haven’t even tried it.

How do you know that you can’t do it after all? Of course, the road will be rocky, but your ability is to break free from fear and pull your head out of the sand. Part of life is making mistakes, accepting criticism and learning from them in order not to repeat this mistake later and to get a little closer to your goal.

Get rid of excuses and excuses and stay true to yourself and your goals. Don’t say, “The time is not right.” – “the goal is too difficult to achieve.” – “All of that already exists.” – or “I’m afraid to fail.”   Try everything that is necessary and do what you want to do. If things don’t go as expected, take a positive view: you’ve at least tried and gained one more experience.

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